This Is Ruining League of Legends

Published 2024-04-03
In League of Legends, it’s not uncommon to hear from a teammate that they want your team to lose.

It’s a very specific kind of toxicity that’s existed in the game for years but one which the community is getting increasingly sick of.

So why do League players exhibit this toxic self sabotage? And is there something deeper going on? We spoke to an expert to find out more...

Written, Hosted & Produced by: Danny Burke (@lurkeyburke)
Thumbnail by: William O'Keefe (@magoo_o)

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Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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All Comments (21)
  • @zacschieber411
    Its really bizzare seeing streamers essentially brag about getting permabanned accounts and running down games intentionally as if it makes them somehow look like the superior player when it really just comes off as pathetically childish
  • @pantheon5073
    One of the main reasons I couldn't join this game, the community didn't even give me a chance to git gud 😂. Everyone was smurfng and getting mad at actual new players.
  • Carpenter blaming his tools is the best analogy. Theres so many delusional LoL players that will never ever take responsibility and go the full mental gymnastics route to justify being a shitty person.
  • I know that this is about league, but, I've started playing smite and had the same kind of thing happen, including being bitched at for being new.
  • @Bovineicide
    That's a lot of words for "mobas attract the most subhuman people on earth"
  • @tapseymoth803
    Honestly sometimes I what would happen if the goal shifting happened instead of going from “I want to win to feel good” to “My teammates don’t deserve to win so Im going to lose on purpose” people changed the goal to “Regardless of the game state I will strive to make the best possible macro decisions with the hand Ive been dealt”. Treating every instance like a non-linear puzzle for you to work out what the optimal play is even if it’s impossible to win. I don’t know how realistic that is, but I think focusing one’s own personal victories and growth as a player would be a good way of increasing enjoyment and feelings of lack of control.
  • @Torbarian
    I literally have been saying this since literally Dota on warcraft 3 this has been a mentality in mobas FOREVER.
  • @Nateyo
    I used to have this mentality but eventually I realized that, by that logic, if they're truly that bad I can just take the elo and they'll lose it next game anyway
  • @tuesti7c
    I'll never understand playing ranked and not wanting to win. I've played in bronze up to diamond and literally the biggest difference between low and high elo is just whoever wants to win more. There are people in diamond that refuse to win just as much as bronze.
  • @crystal_pirate
    Comebacks now is simpler that any time for the past 3-4 years. Community mentality of "ff 15" is destroying chances of comeback more than LoL balance state.
  • @jamesberkley585
    I always tell friends “League players need annual mental health checks”
  • @Your-Senpai
    Inting one game is nothing. Flaming in chat is nothing. The fun begins when someone type your nickname into their notepad. Who knows, knows..
  • @themagician6310
    The problem with League is it’s the only game that 1 person can ruin your chances of winning. In other games, you might be able to pull off a 4v5, a troll, a feeder. But in League, it takes one person to ruin everything and feed the enemy team kill after kill after kill. No matter how well you farm, no matter how good you’re playing in your lane, it doesn’t matter against the fed enemy bot lane.
  • @aryadhorajiya
    Tbh I have played DOTA for 8 years and loved it, but the toxicity of LoL is just worse. It feels like no one wants to think about their own gameplay before critizing others. They also don't welcome new players, instead keep using slurs or ****. I won't be playing it again in the future for all I care.
  • @imHansi
    I've played league and valorant for years. This gatekeeper mentality exists in all competitive games. It is mainly because you care too much about your rank, and have an obsession of reaching higher so you can show it off and feel good about yourself. So you hold yourself with high standards and blame your teammates over the smallest mistakes, (which you could be easily doing too). Instead what you should be doing is focusing on your own gameplay (all the time), and playing with the team as much as possible, leveraging trolls etc., while being self-critical. This is why ranked is so shit because everyone cares too much about their ranks in a video game.. 😅
  • @AsterDXZ
    The problem is there is no negative stimulus for doing this. Players gatekeep and continue on their day with no punishment. No punishment for surrender spamming, no punishment for afk split pushing all game, no punishment for gate keeping. Why do you think people keep doing it?
  • @Sandesper
    This is not just League problem. This exact same issue happens in all team based games where there is a ranked ladder. Some people just dont want to see others win anything and they just want to see others suffer
  • It's all about control, some people can't understand no matter what they do in life, sometimes, things are just not in your own control. We see this in the world everyday, it's a common theme of life and battling to regain control in some ways a very admiral quality, if it goes too far and descends into mental illness like we see in league, it ends in extreme toxic behaviour.
  • @morfeyy-
    valorant is the same. cs is the same.