How to learn to draw — and why you should.

Published 2022-01-28
Even if you can't draw a stick figure, drawing has the ability to bring you joy and insight. In this video, best-selling author Danny Gregory will show you how to start a lifelong drawing adventure, no matter where you are today. How to begin and why you should.
Want to learn more from Danny? Take his course: How To Draw Without Talent. Learn more at:…

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All Comments (21)
  • I will be 70 in August. I can kick myself for letting perfectionism, lack of confidence and daily life keep me from doing this in my 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's or 60's - or I can see the benefits of starting this in my 70's. Thank you for so eloquently showing those benefits. You have a new subscriber.
  • @SuinegNet
    This is the best art advice I've ever heard. Wishing I'd had this 30 years ago!!
  • @leoalbanez156
    One of the best advices an artist gave me is "DO BAD ART". It gave me the power to make mistakes and not feel bad about it. Everything is a learning experience! Nowadays, I see the first pieces of art I made and I feel proud of it. It's awesome!
  • started drawing in your 30s??? Thank you so much for this... I'm 20 and I recently started drawing but I can't help feel like everyone out there has been drawing since they were babies and I'm too old to start learning now. You have given me a lot of reassurance, thank you!
  • @noonhe
    Your first drawings were actually very good.
  • @bajaboolie
    Just before I clicked on this video I had a convo with my husband. I’m picking up my daughter from college in San Francisco for the weekend, and mentioned it seems a shame to drive over an hour to just pick her up then turn right back around for the drive home. I thought out loud that maybe I’ll go early (she’s eager to get home asap to see her boyfriend!), bring a sketchbook and do some drawing in GG Park. Then I watched this video & the idea is reality. Gotta go get ready! Thanks much 😊
  • No drawing tips and tricks, no clickbait title, yet an extremely powerful drawing video, exactly what I need... Thank you <3
  • @willh.7527
    I'm an aspiring writer, not a drawer, yet spent the better part of 20 min writing down just about everything he said but replacing "drawing" with "stories." This is such universal advice for any creative profession. I can't thank this man enough!
  • A year ago I came across this very video. I’m a grown man, ex-military, strong as an Ox and scared of almost nothing. And yet, after watching your video, with tears rolling down my face, I picked up the nearest pencil I could find. In the months that followed I became a different person. I noticed life around me in a way I’d never done throughout my life. When I draw I’m in another world, one where my imagination is free to roam, nobody telling me what I can and what I cannot draw, nobody to judge me, criticise or chastise me, just me, my drawing pad and a pocket full of pens, oh, and yes, I use pencils too. Those very few people with whom I share some of my images simply cannot believe I’ve only been drawing for a year. I appreciate their enthusiasm and kind words, but my drawing is for me, it’s mine and nobody can take it away from me, if I can do it, rest assured you can too … thank you sir, with all my heart, thank you.
  • @Tensleif
    Been into digital art since I was a little girl. I’m 26 now and I feel like I never quite started out right. I completely skipped the necessary steps such as studying anatomy, drawing consistently by keeping a sketchbook etc and it’s just got me in these frustrating art blocks. It’s gotten so constant I barely enjoy drawing anymore. You’re changing that for me. Thank you.
  • I love how patient and empathic this approach is. And also how it translates into basically any other skill in life.
  • I don’t know if I have any interest in drawing, I’m not even sure why the YouTube algorithm showed me this. But this Danny fellow’s voice is just about the most calming, reassuring voice I’ve ever heard. Have fun drawing everyone!
  • @mplcreative
    I'm now 71 and have a BSE in art. It's all gone. I remember very little about the entire process. These wonderful videos of yours are teaching me that I can start over and begin remembering things that were important then and important now. I have a new sketchbook, a micron and a few good pencils. I'm on my way.
  • @TheOnlyVitik
    I'm an artist. I have been ever since I could pick up a pencil. I'm 27 now and I can do quite realistic drawings (realistic animals, anatomy of people, leaves, etc). I clicked on this video because the title caught my interest. I really enjoy what you have to say, it's all completely accurate. It's also very motivational, and I hope people take from it the message you're trying to convey. I really connect with the part of this video about art changing the way you interact with the world around you. Looking through an artist's eyes is a whole different experience. As I developed my art skills further, I found myself seeing the world around me differently. Most people would think "I have eyes, of course I can see"; you can look, but do you really 'see'? I noticed colors and shapes and details I've never seen before. I look at the small things. I look at the way things are put together. Most interestingly (in my own opinion) I see shapes as I hadn't before. Art is just shapes. When you begin to see the shape of a 3D object, you learn to construct it on paper. You also see the colors of things a bit more clearly. With the untrained eye, you typically see things as one solid color. When you really look, you see that it is a palette of colors mixed together. Creating art has helped open my eyes up to the world around me, and I try to encourage everyone to do the same whether they think they're 'good' or not. There isn't "good art" or "bad art", just artists at different stages. My message to anyone reading this: keep making art. It's the only way to show people what is inside your mind- to let people see things how you perceive them.

    TL;DR: Make art. It will change you for the better.
  • I am an 18 year old dude who was learning how to draw since 13, and I've quit drawing after being so burnt out because I was trying to be good and I tried to make a passive income out of it, I needed a pause. But during that pause I forgot about drawing, and you helped me find that spark again. This is really great advice and I am thankful to God himself that He brought upon your video in my recommended feed. May God bless you, thank you.
  • "Draw a lot" Simple, no frills, and honest. Perfect. Thank you for the simple inspiration.
  • @cqd123
    That's really inspiring - I'm in my 30s myself, and starting to draw having not done any art since high school. I've been seeing major improvement after just a few months, and your videos have been a great way to keep the motivation up. I'm still really bad, but I can see the badness decreasing a little every time I take a swing at it. Thank you for making these videos, they help a lot.
  • @sarahgoss876
    Almost feel like crying watching this as it feels such a relief. I get so heavily focused on things I "can't" draw that sometimes I just don't draw at all....but this has made me realise it's important to just draw whatever it is, however good it is. Not to worry about the outcome. Thank you x
  • @vidflix
    At 52 with complex ptsd, I can say that drawing is a very peaceful and calming experience so far. Amazing advice for newbs like myself. Thank you for the motivation! Subscribed!