Pokemon Go just destroyed their game

Published 2024-04-18

All Comments (21)
  • @nokh3382
    Remember when this game was marketed as getting gamers out of the house. These new character models look like they never left the basement.
  • @cadmon22-a76
    "your avatar can look even more like you" so, basically, they are calling us ugly...
  • @xdress1746
    “”Your avatar can now look even more like you!” Who tf said I wanted it to look like me? I play games to ESCAPE reality, not reenact it.
  • @AegisAuras
    “If I wanted to look at ugly people, I’d go to Walmart or look in a mirror.” - Asmongold
  • @thedomoking
    Anyone notice that not just the body shape, but even the skin tones look worse?
  • @tjpprojects7192
    If I'm ugly, why the fucking HELL would I want my avatar to look like ME?! If I wanted realism, I'd just go outside.
  • @BlankedOutSlate
    "The avatars can look more like you" They missed the mark on the fact that I don't want them to look like me 🗿
  • @GeneralLDS
    my mom, who’s a plus-sized woman, really enjoys pokemon go. she especially likes to dress up her character to match her pokemon, and sort of projects herself onto her character to feel better. I don’t know why they made this change, but all I can think about is having to explain to my elderly mother why her character doesn’t look as cool anymore
  • @midoi8161
    "your avatar can look even more like you!" Pokemon really just called their playerbase ugly
  • @Khann_2102
    If liking attractiveness is a sin, then I'll gladly be a sinner
  • @chengda85
    why do their pants have such low crotches, like they are some kinda 2000s gangsta lmao
  • Human anatomy artist here!! If you feel disgusting and awful to the new update it's a normal reaction bcoz what your looking at is a MALE ANATOMY wearing a female face. Big hands,long arms,flat straight hips, square face etc. these are small example of male anatomy. We learn this at art school The erasure of female anatomy is truly despicable.
  • @BigZestyPickle
    I saw a very large amount of comments from female players complaining that Niantic must hate women since they went and made everything so androgynous. Imagine trying to be so inclusive you wrap back around to coming off as sexist and out of touch. They could've added in new hair styles and body type options with the old designs. I absolutely hate my character now. I just used free stuff to cover as much of my avatar as I could because it's so ugly and impossible to fix
  • Niantic: "New avatar customization options are available" Players: "No thanks, I like my avatar as is" Niantic: "Oh, silly me, I made it sound as if you have a choice in the matter..."
  • Is it weird, that the new model looks.. UNFINISHED and look like something you may find in a beta version of a game?
  • @ItDaBiz
    For a game economy that runs on cosmetics, making characters ugly af is a bold move
  • @dredddizzah9705
    "If it ain't broke, break it as much as possible, and play it off as fixed" - Whoever greenlit this trash
  • @holymaggots70
    "avatar can now look even more like me" yeah stop with that corpo marketing talk, jus say we are ugly bro😭