Guess the Billionaire Industrial Designer - Greatest and Most Famous

Published 2021-10-26

All Comments (21)
  • @seb5
    great video!! just a small detail its Jony Ive not Ives ;)
  • @TalenejadIman
    I watched 3 videos of you I loved them all I am Pursuing my MFA in Industrial design and I do find you channel really useful
  • Your 1st million is the hardest. Keep pushing because once you make it Decamillionaire is around the corner.
  • Enjoyed this video, I suddenly want to switch from architecture to industrial design
  • @artcoliso4140
    Hey jimmy I would love to know the difference between Product and system design engineering and Industrial design and product engineering. Could you make a video about them and explain it? I admire you keep doing it.
  • @studiovo6942
    Hope you become a billionaire too! Great video keep up the good work!
  • @klauszinser
    That was well done. Have you considered the wealth of pervious generation designers? Well Dieter Rams is there. I am still thinking of people who did industrial design, maybe got famous and rich but because they did not study neither had such a title were not considered.
  • @STVN20
    Hi Jimmy May be you could also discuss some companies that would give career growth and provide more value in our career as an industrial designer. Thank you
  • Jimmy...i did not study industrial design. I took mechanical enginnering. But while i was at school i felt something is lacking with the course. At that time i have no idea what was it. Of course i love design even then. I just wasn't able to connect design and engineering back then. Then i became by experience a sales and marketing professional and was very good at it. But something always pulls me to thinking about products. How they look, how they work, and how they connect to people. No matter how i want to yake that thoughts out of my mind, it always come up kind of sucking me into it. I had only engineering drawing skill. Could i be an industrial designer with only those skills?
  • @2Bluzin
    Jony Ive basically just got lucky. Probably a 1000 other product designers with his background could have done the same thing. Not saying he's bad but really his success was only because of Apple. He got in on the ground floor with a start up who was totally open to innovation and taking big risks. That's actually rare in the corporate world where failure is not an option. Incremental changes are the only thing allowed. Plus lots and lots of stock options.
  • @jdg1251
    Amazing video, super interesting topic, I'm on my way to get my millions! (Gotta get my degree first!). My mom really enjoyed the video as well lmao
  • How many years did have when you started designing I want to see how much it will take for me to become pretty good good
  • Excuse me everyone I hope I don't bother you I'm from Colombia and I learn English with what I love which is industrial design I would like to ask you what do you think of industrial design with the metaverse
  • @ajeesh3485
    When you gonna get 30 million per year?