Red Rocks - Zach Bryan - November 3rd 2022

Published 2023-11-03

All Comments (21)
  • @williamhull3535
    brought my daughter to the Toronto concert and i was blown away by the stage performance, the absolute heart this guy puts into his song writing and performance. What a humble kind person and put country back in country. keep it real brother. Your music touches the masses.
  • @themaster4389
    Open The Gate - 3:38 God Speed - 7:50 Highway Boys - 12:07 Condemned - 15:50 Oklahoma City - 18:57 Quittin Time - 24:00 No Cure - 27:25 Sweet DeAnn - 30:15 Heading South - 33:20 The Good I’ll Do - 36:50 Flying or Crying - 40:11 From Austin - 43:12 Traveling Man - 46:30 ‘68 Fastback - 50:11 Snow (in the snow) - 53:35 Something In The Orange - 56:45 Oklahoma Smokeshow - 1:01:17 Billy Stay - 1:04:51 Jamie - 1:09:32 Heavy Eyes - 1:13:04 Burn Burn Burn - 1:16:59 November Air - 1:21:10 Revival - 1:25:36
  • @billypearse2099
    Can’t count how many times I’ve listened to this live album, so great to see the performance here!
  • @jackcryts1429
    it’s so cool seeing a concert with barely no phones out, everyone just enjoying zach bryan and just living in the moment, that’s what he’ll do
  • @TheSadbuttrue13
    Im South American, so Im not a country guy at all, at least an American one, but this guy have made me being interested in his music. Now I have the musical taste of a west virginian 40 yr old man😂❤️ Thank you Zach, amazing performance
  • @zaneshredz
    Being from California i didn’t really know how to prepare for the snow. I wore 7 layers and snuck in a bottle of jameson. I had my grandfathers old New York coat, went down to your ankles and made of 100% wool. I was warm everywhere accept my toes, where my cowboy boots failed me but it was a small price to pay. While it would have been rad to be close to Zach it’s well known that the middle part of RR has the best sound, you hear the music grow up the mountains and bounce off the rocks. you can clearly tell in my videos how amazing the sound is from up there. And when i tell you seeing the snow fall, getting stuck in all the cowboy hats, it was like something out of a movie or a dream. Zach’s energy was one of appreciation, everything was so “touch and go” and he tweeted the night was hanging on the edge of a pocket knife and when the moment happened and the lights went on, I was transported into a living memory, i’ve never felt anything like it. someone i had been listening to so intently, as if their music was the soundtrack of my life. i felt like a desperate soul given respite, it was the closest thing to a religious experience i’ve ever had and i mean that with respect. I remember sneaking in a few smokes and people being so kind to save my spot instead of me leaving my beanie in the snow. when i went looking for my cousin trapped in the merch line i thought i’d have to watch the concert myself and the people next to me assured me i wasn’t alone. but miraculously he arrived at our seats just before open the gates kicked off, we danced and we howled like wild men, i passed my bottle around with our neighbors, they couldn’t believe i snuck in a bottle of jameson and kept asking if i was wearing a trash bag (rain poncho). i sung every lyric to every song and facetimed my mom sister and brother during their favorites… i never looked at my phone while recording i just held it up and kept my eyes everywhere else, i was alive in a snow globe of messed up kids just trying to make a little more sense of this world and this life. i owe so much for my cousin for this moment and to all the kind people we met.. the kind woman who sheered the snow off our car. we had no idea we had to take the snow off our lights….she might have saved our lives. i remember cowboy's hitching rides back to town and how happy everyone was for braving the cold. I saw Zach again this year in La and it was a great show but the energy and love he gave that night in red rocks was second to none. when i was a kid I used to sit on my moms bed and listen to her talk about Woodstock. she went for all 3 days in 1969 and saw Jimmy Hendrix play the star spangled banner, she said planes flew over and dropped roses from the sky. We didn’t get roses but we got snow and I think we got our woodstock. i was in Denver driving to LA last week and i listened to the live album as i was passing through morrison. i couldn’t hold back a few teary eyed smiles. Thank you Zach Bryan. For everything.
  • @adamrayski914
    Zach will go down I history as one of the greatest song writers and musicians ever. Always stick to your roots and keep inspiring the younger generation!
  • @zachjohnson5851
    I was on the in-house video crew last year and filmed this show. Never experienced a crowd so engaged in a performance. Truly magical night with the snow Cheers to Zach Bryan
  • @jacksmith8928
    Without doubt the best concert I've ever been to. Worth every penny of the $400 I spent extending my flight back to the UK by 5 days when I saw he'd be playing at red rocks. I had like 30 dollars to my name to get to get there and back from Denver but this was the best way I could ever imagine to end my trip. So much love to everyone who picked me up hitchhiking my way there and back. What a crowd and what a performance, can't wait to see him again in June when I'm not freezing my tits off!
  • @Rogue_Ranger
    that finale is one of the best things to ever happen in music
  • WOW! What a celebration of life. What a gift this man has. God bless you Zach Bryan! Makes me proud to be an American!
  • im from malaysia. and all i can say is that as a christian man living in a muslim country, who loves country, trucks, good whiskey and bourbon, zach bryan is alright. my favorite go to when im having a drink out here in my farm.
  • @TheThirdBaseGawd
    Price performed "Purple Rain" during the pouring rain at the Super Bowl Half Time Show. Zach Bryan performed "Snow" during a blizzard at the Red Rocks. Same energy
  • Life has been crazy lately. I find myself listening to this live 4-5 times a week. Somehow it brings me back. It grounds me. Love this. Can’t wait to see live next summer. Will be a spiritual experience to say the least!
  • @lisaeaker9064
    Me literally having this concert on my speaker loud singing and yelling as if I'm there and about 100 cows and 4 horses thinking im crazy .... Good thing I have no neighbors lol but I wouldn't care if I did I love zach THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE
  • @mskman83
    I'm from Colorado 5th generation. I've seen shows at red rocks my entire life over 40 years. Beyond the acoustics its the people and the atmosphere that make red rocks special. I've seen the symphony , George straight, John Mayer, Weird Al, and many others... its the only venue I have been where folks are so happy to be there and enjoy life that no trouble is started ever. At least in my times there. Good seats and bad.
  • can we all just show some respect for the fellow mans of the band continuing and completing an ENTIRE SHOW while its snowing ? surprised they stayed in tune but they did. Real G shit
  • @Myrtlecrack
    The snow falling just adds to how epic this concert is!
  • @joshnorris3648
    just adding this comment to remind myself in many years that this was the best concert I have ever been to. Such an amazing experience.
  • @carsonfrick5862