A Gentle Reminder From the Divine

Published 2020-05-30
As a result of the recent racial prejudice, hatred, and riots, I asked God what to do… this message and this video is the result - a gentle reminder of our true nature, and a gentle guided experience to feel your nature near the end. Enjoy. May we live in peace and a recognition of the light within all.

Love you all,


Behind all creation, I AM.

I am form and in my greater being I am formless.

I take shape in humanity and I am black. I am white. I am red. I am golden, and everything in between.

I am born again in every moment and I am eternally aged.

I am in the minuscule and the infinite.

I dance in all creation.

I live in a swirl of harmony and order in the form of the infinite galaxies and in every tiny detail of nature.

I exist in every cell of your body and beneath every though in your mind.

Out of all the forms I have created, you alone have I given free will to choose to accept that I live and abide in you and you in me…

Or you can block me and refuse your true nature.

I only wished for you to know joy, love, our desire to create.

I never wished for you to feel the lies of separation.

No matter what you feel, think, or see I am here.

As the ocean abides within every wave and each wave lives within the ocean so too I live within you abide within me.

Open your hearts and allow me to rise up

I have given you free will

To accept that I live and abide in you and you in me…

Open your hearts, and allow me to rise up into your awareness.

In your moments of feeling love I am there, both felt, and seen

Beneath your sadness, I am there too in your wish for love

Beneath even your rage and anger I am there in your desire for greater love

Even beneath your hate and your hurt - I am there felt very seldom and not yet .seen

In all that you are, I am.
In all that you wish to be, I am.
In all that you see, perceived as light or dark, there I am.

I await your decision to bring my love to the surface.

Allow me to rise up within you.

With a single thought of love you open your heart to feel me

Try it now.

Think of a beautiful sunrise,
or the fragrance a beautiful rose
Imagine a beautiful smile
A majestic animal
An inspiring word perhaps
Or a loving = feeling

Think of anything or anyone that you love.

Place your hands on your heart and again think of anyone or anything you love.

Focus on that feeling of love and feel me stirring in your hear.t

Feel my love, the only love, and the one love growing within you.

Feel my love expanding you, filling you, enlightening, and enlivening every cell.

Feel this light expanding beyond your body, into your home, expanding into
your cities, you countries, and around your world.

Feel yourself now, imagine you’re not a single person in a single body,
or a single point of awareness, but rather you’re a field of energy encircling the globe, in the globe, in every human being.

You’re a band of love that is amplified and rising up within the hearts of humanity.

Imagine the spark that you are, even in your individuality, touching the hearts of the hurting, the hating, and the ones in need of healing.

Witness this spark, in your mind’s eye, empowering those working together to bring new technologies, biologies, methodologies to assist your world,

Witness this light, my light, your light, our spark, rising up within the hearts of every human being,

This light is spilling over, coating your mother earth, , emanating out into the cosmos, joining with other souls and other lights as it expands, and
strengthens, and pulsates.

It raises you up into new dimensions.

Feel my live and my love within you.

Beyond the bounds of mind, body, personality, you are me.

You are an infinite field. You are a Presence that lives and breathes in all things.

You are love eternal.

The form comes and the form goes.

The feelings come and the feelings go, but the love that lies beneath, the love that we are, the one love is eternal.

Feel me dearest embodiments of my love. See me in the faces of the many. See me in every color, creed, race, religion and ideology. See me in those who show my love and even imagine me in those who can’t find it yet.

As one, we exist, in the many, exploring, revealing in, learning about, creating, and loving all that we are.

I love you. You are me.
We are.
I am.

All Comments (21)
  • @lifeisgood1221
    Amazing and Divinely inspired !!! Thank you for sharing your inner wisdom with the world !!
  • @Badger36912
    So very beautiful my dear Ann and so very true..Thank you for this very powerful reminder of what is in everyone of us. Love begets love. Hate begets hate. May we all pray for the whole world to wake up to the love that we all are.
  • @tusoamy
    So Very Beautiful! The Great I Am lives within all His Children...may they remember and return back to His, Our Pure Love.
  • Thank you Ann for this beautiful and needed reminder of who we really are at a time when it is difficult to comprehend ourselves.
  • @AmeliaRose1212
    Thank you so much Ann for the beautiful gift of this reminder video. Thank you for being such a beautiful humble heart. Here on earth at this time. Thank you! 💜🙏🌷
  • @manorcarol
    Ann, so uplifting and a wonderful meditation. Thank you for being you💜
  • @lilyangel333
    Divine Love ❤️ thank you for reaching out to us 🤍🤲🏽🤲🏾🤲🏿
  • @bonniejames5223
    absolutely beautiful -- what the world needs to hear. Thank you from my heart to yours.
  • @jwood6567
    Thank you ~ this is beautiful and speaks to the depth of the soul. Exactly what we light workers are called to do right now - focus on the luv, expand the luv ;)
  • @thewiseowl3672
    Absolutely fantastic. I used it as a meditation and am posting it up on Twitter. My gratitude and appreciation.💚🙏🏻🌻
  • @Dori471
    You are so talented! Hard to believe anyone could whip this up in an afternoon! I've been in tears also at what occurred and is occurring. Maybe that's part of why I got so sick last night and today. Thank you for this calming, lovely video.
  • @Ragamuffin
    Thanks, Ann, for this loving message. We needed this.
  • @sagebutterfly2
    Thank you, dear Ann, for this beautiful tribute to Love and Oneness. It's so very difficult to witness and experience the upheaval now occurring in our world, but we must trust that we will get to the other side of this stronger and more unified than ever. I so appreciate your beautiful contribution in getting us there. Much love to you and to all.
  • @violinist71
    Thank you Ann, Beautiful message. :) Love, Dan