Confronting the Enlightenment's mistakes | Kehinde Andrews full interview

Published 2023-11-21
In this interview Kehinde Andrews throws our ideas about the Enlightenment in question.

Should we cancel Aristotle?

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From Kant to Locke, we associate the enlightenment with a period of moving from dogmatic thinking to a period of searching for objective truth. However, is the Enlightenment really that value-free? Leading Black studies thinker Kehinde Andrews highlights that not only can we not ignore the racist works of the pioneers of the Enlightenment era, our very enlightenment values are entrenched in racist and dogmatic thinking.

#Enlightenment #KehindeAndrews #PhilosophyofRationality

Kehinde Andrews is the first black studies professor in the UK, currently working at Birmingham City University. He is the director of the Centre for Critical Social Research, founder of the Harambee Organisation of Black Unity, and co-chair of the UK Black Studies Association.

00:00 Intro
00:08 What did you mean by calling The Enlightenment “white identity politics”?
01:54 Is it possible to decolonise Kant?
04:50 Should we cancel Aristotle
06:30 Is it possible to understand texts in isolation, or are they always bound to their context?
08:30 Is there a danger of losing something by completely dismissing the canon?
10:00 Is the world in a constant state of psychosis?
11:52 Is belief in the monarchy a symptom of psychosis?
14:18 Is the current approach to dismantling racism misguided?
15:20 Are the current institutions tasked with the antiracism effort capable of delivering results?
17:00 How should we go about creating new institutions?

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All Comments (21)
  • @thstroyur
    "Confronting the Enlightenment's mistakes" - like the ideologies that gave rise to 'scholars' like this?
  • I’m an American Black Man Progressive Liberal, and I must say that this guy contradicts himself on key aspects of his premise.
  • @science212
    Reason is the most important cognitive frame in the human brain. Don't forget it.
  • @edbop
    Would have been useful if you could have asked him what his understanding of the difference between rationality and reason is.
  • @LeeGee
    Low-brow historical revisionism and racism has no place in my feed.
  • @MxLee192
    Oh, it's the racist guy who has a career in legitimating racism under the guise of so called anti racism.
  • as soon as I heard him call the enlightenment white identity politics I stopped listening⚛😀
  • @fpxy00
    Is there an evidence of existance significant non-racist liberal society before enlightment europe? In other words was there a significant society which abolished slavery before Europe?
  • @JAI_8
    Who is the marginal nobody? To pretend Western Europe didn’t do something unique (and uniquely bad in many ways) in the 16th to 18th centuries is just absurd. This nonsense might have seemed interesting 30 to 50 years ago. But with so much riding on the outcome now to pretend Africa or Asia or Native Americans were also on a path of scientific, technological and economic development and dominance of the physical environment as well as unique power to dominate (and even destroy) each other that Western Europeans were is just irresponsible. The solution to the current global crisis isn’t going to be found in some cultural alternatives and local communities, etc. Recognizing the problem for what it is and where it came from and the ethos behind its creation is necessary for its solution. Trying to wave your hand 0:38 over western science and technology and the enlightenment and pretending that makes its unique significance go away is so irresponsible. No one says any longer that the rest of the world was in a dark age.
  • Sorry for this bad comment but I thought the IAI actually had standards. It's disappointing to see you invite such figures.
  • @gregorycmar459
    I would have enjoyed a presentation on mistakes of the Enlightenment. Instead I got a presentation on why wokeness is a mistake. Next time, find someone who has actually done the research, the topic is fascinating.
  • @reginafefifofina
    Hasn’t it been proven that the world was originally one land mass that broke into continents? Therefore all the first people were African. Even my ancient DNA says I have genetics shared with Kenyans and West Africans. My last 5 generations were Europeans, Latin Americans… of course Missouri used to be Mexico and Native Americans are indigenous to the USA and Canada ….. so, whatever - it doesn’t really change anything in the end does it? Like your grandma or mom probably said: it’s what’s on the inside that matters.
  • @namagirihanuman
    Kant partially caused the U.N. declaration of rights and Malcolm x refers to it. Thomas Jefferson partially caused the US Constitution and Malcolm x refers to it. This is where a contradiction lies.
  • @reginafefifofina
    12:18. Anyone catch The Sex Pistols Riverboat Concert during The Queen’s Jubilee? Queen’s Jubilee sounds like Summer on Fire Island - just sayin’
  • @tylerdurden2577
    "We just take the bits we like and leave the bits we don't like - that's not how knowledge works" Every philosophy which doesn't perfectly fit in the current moral view of our Zeitgeist (and by that he means his understanding of identity politics) should be discarded. What is this ridiculous and deeply regressive bs, haha?
  • I don't know if he is smarter than this, but this man can't really hide that he doesn't know how to read. Kant was spoken too many times here and I could barely find him. I think no one who understand at least the basic concepts of Kant will say you are better off not reading Kant, even someone who knows and is sensitive to the racist tenets beneath this historical period wouldn't say that.
  • @aeonian4560
    is guy is not a sophisticated thinker, not nuanced, very ideological and the embodyment of woke academia