The Wisdom of Uncle Iroh: Why It Matters

Just some pseudo-philosophical reflections on the wisest man in fiction. Iroh's wisdom is proof positive of the impact that fiction and fantasy can have on us. Despite Iroh not being real, his words very much are, and we can learn a lot from the messages he imparts. Iroh is one of the best examples of masculinity in fiction because of his incredible wisdom, which we will now explore.

0:00 - 2:18 Why Fictional Characters Matter
2:18 - 6:10 Pride, Shame, and Humility
6:10 - 9:10 Despair and Hope
9:10 - 11:18 Self-Reliance
11:18 - 15:28 Power and Love
15:28 - 18:10 Conclusion


コメント (21)
  • Clip is supposed to say "I don't want to survive. I want to live!" at 8:08. Not sure what happened to the audio there.
  • @Espadajin
    Everyone thinks they are a badass until Uncle Iroh sings "leaves from the vine"
  • @MarcHatePage
    my favourite Iroh quote actually comes from TLOK: "If you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that's all you will ever see."
  • "I beleive people can change their lives, if they want to. I beleive in secnod chances." My favorite Uncle Iroh quote.
  • And Zuko's Arc came full circle when he tells Sokka "You have you try every time. You can't quit just because you're afraid you might fail" at the Boiling Rock, truly passing down Iroh's teachings, and even emulating him. Again, ATLA shows its masterful writing by showing the growth of multiple characters at once.
  • @TheTabby
    I never realized this until now, but my Grandma was my Uncle Iroh. She was a woman of strength and beauty who always worked hard and cared for her family to no end. She had an....innocent wisdom to her, but she knew what she was talking about and was not ignorant of the world. She went through hardships with grace and always put me, her granddaughter, above all else. No matter how sick she was, she would make me my favorite meal. No matter how tired she was after work, she would pick me up everyday and feed me dinner and play with me. She passed away a few months ago and I felt so lost without her. Lately, I've just been trying to embody everything about her that I loved, and use her as a guide on how to take care of my significant other and our home. I have noticed that our lives have been much brighter lately, and I like to think it's because of my Grandmother's love, the love that she taught me how to share. I loved this video. I always felt that Uncle Iroh was very much under appreciated by fans.
  • The respect for the wisdom of the members of white lotus is so refreshing and a source of real strength for the gaang that so many people deride and demean. Even with Uncle Iroh many people think he is unredeemable because of his sins as a general in the fire nation, but he is a source of wisdom because he changed from such depth.
  • @WingZero761
    "Destiny is a funny thing. You never know how things are going to work out. But, if you keep an open mind and open heart, I promise you will find your own destiny someday." Life has truly shown me that no truer words I heard had shown itself correct. Iroh has been such a wealth of wisdom and words to help get through the days when we need it. ATLA is something I do hope to show to the next generation.
  • @yurkdawg
    Not to oversimplify such potentially deep topics, but it seems that a common theme to Iroh's wisdom is that anything (e.g. pride, ;) ...) can become a vice when taken to an extreme. I love how the whole purpose of the Avatar is not [simply] something as trite as "good triumphing over evil." Instead his/her purpose is to bring balance to the world.
  • "If done well; the audience won't even notice the influence of the author on their creation" truly an inspiring quote
  • “But I’m trying.” What a powerful statement and sentiment. Your Avatar videos always hold so much wisdom, you don’t even know how fast I clicked when I saw the notification haha! You’re like Uncle Iroh’s protégée 🙌🏻
  • @crusader2112
    Three paragons of positive masculinity: Iroh Aragorn Qui Gon Jinn Great video. 👍 P.S. On love: Paul/Saul of Tarsus: "Without love we are nothing, Love is patient, Love is kind, It is not jealous, It doesn't boast, It isn't proud, It keeps no record of wrongs, It rejoices with the truth, It bears all things, It believes all things, It hopes all things, It endures all things, When everything else disappears, Faith, Hope and Love remain, But the greatest of these Is Love"
  • It's insane how no matter how many years pass Iroh's wisdom holds true and helps make us better people.
  • We want to be boys who grow into men Iroh would be proud of. Growing into a man is realizing Iroh was always proud of you because you chose your own path.
  • @chowrites6179
    Iroh was such a great character that I remember as young teen wanting to become someone that people could rely on like the entire does on Iroh
  • The highest honor you can do for yourself is to be someone Iroh would be proud of. It is the hight of your capacity to reach your true potential.