The TRUE Story of the BLOOD GOLEM...

Publicado 2022-08-07
The Blood Golem is a new evolution in the Minecraft world, created for the sole purpose of defending Iron Golems from players’ mistreatment. How did this powerful mob come into existence, and is it still out there? Find out as we explore the Story of the BLOOD GOLEM.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • The Lesson Here: Do not hurt villagers and iron golems. Or else... The Blood Golem will come for you...
  • @HowieDewitt535
    So, I'd be safe considering I actually care about the villagers' lives and build defenses to help keep them safe. (Minus the raids I start, but I usually hide the villagers so the pillagers can't get them.)
  • it's funny how after initially playing minecraft typically for a few years, something switched in me and i started treating every single living being in the game with respect and dignity. i stopped killing animals even for subsistence, did not enslave villagers, did not kill golems for iron, defended my resident villages, freed any farmed animals, made sure the villagers were free as well, built housing for villagers without homes, and generally went the way of a virtuous king (not calling myself a king). i forbid people in servers from mistreating any mobs as well, and would fight them to the death (theirs) for it. i wonder what the blood golem would think of me...
  • We Need A Blood Golem In Real Life, Teach Humans A Lesson About Destroying The Earth.
  • @vowdagoat
    this man actually makes me wanna stop blowing up villages and killing iron golems for iron
  • @reanukeevs5149
    If there is a Blood Golem due to IronGolem farming, where is the Blood Warden? Warden farming currently exists at extreme efficiency
  • @michael4945
    Dude this man is so smart he literally explains hundreds of stories about the blood golem
  • I take care of the villages and villagers and iron golems, by restoring villager’s crops, or rebuilding the villages, fighting raids, and when ever iron golems are cracked and are about to die in a couple of hits, I repair them with iron ingots, but when villagers or iron golems, die, and I couldn’t save them. I set up a grave for them
  • @airyskrrr
    can we just take a moment to appreciate how much effort he puts in these videos, he really cares about his videos. Continue the work!
  • @gailzhao4417
    Last time I checked the blood golem is immortal able to regenerate health after you lose half a heart and strong attacks and able to grow to the size of a mountain which makes this golem very dangerous!
  • @Skarface310
    Looks like I’m safe because I actually help and care for villagers and iron golems
  • @DjDeadpig
    You guys should make a video on the legend of Casey’s cave Also yours vids are arguably more interesting than Minecraft’s actual lore
  • This is fun! Enjoyed watching this till the end. Thanks a lot for sharing.
  • @deathfox9985
    This story of the blod golem is amazing fell like origanal , wanted more original story of scary mist
    Awesome as always!! Your video is always fantastic with interesting story!! Nothing better than just sit down and relax during watching it.
  • @a2zeetech
    My server would remain safe. I haven't built an iron farm ever (pain of bedrock players) and my villager trading hall is also a bunch of villagers living in a two story dormitory. About having raids for totems, I do them at my base where the villagers are safe inside their building.
  • You know you're screwed when the iron golem is covered in your blood after you betrayed the village.