A poem I wrote.

Published 2024-06-02
Now, I don't like using labels. Calling something I write a poem, seems wrong to me. haha But, I wrote this a while ago. At least the first five or so lines. Then I finished it either last night or this morning.

I am trying to get all my stuff I wrote into one file so I can copyright it and try to get it published. haha

To the he who I saw for a while

The one that told me the few things he did

The man known as father

It I your son

I'm still living even

After all that you

My father

Have done

Belt in hand

Drugs in mind

Rage in heart

Nothing to lose

While I nothing to gain

But wait

I breath

You lie in a hole

One within the ground

Man with jeans

Simple shirts


Pocket on right

Smokes in there

Pickup truck

Could weld better than any

Fix a car



Held record for running

Though it seem as if

Mom, brother and I were those running

At least back then

When then was now

Before she

The one I call mom

Before that is

She got the courage

The day she called it quits

Out you went


The day you can back

Back to get your pillow

I stood there with you

I will always remember

As you got to the door

You turned around the looked

At the place that was your bedroom

I see now

You were looking at what you lost


The hands were still raised

The bottles as well

The drugs went on

The pain

The torture

If you sad at your loss

Why do nothing to change


When I would come over

Then why

Why father

Why did I

Maybe I felt it a role

One in a film

But instead of a camera

It was my expectations

Those on which my life should be

Happy mom

Smiling daddy

Not just in the public eye

But at night dad

When the doors closed

And the rats came out

On the streets

If only

If we could have just smiled

Put away the rage

Why hold a bottle when you have two hands

Two sons

One wife

Could we not fill your hands

We helped them

But only when you reached for the food mom made

That or when they in the shape of a fist

Our bodies the punching bag

Our minds the crowd

No matter if she screamed

No matter how we booed

The boxer never stops

He goes on

If he can survive the round

If he the last standing

In his mind

He is the winner

Yet father



He who tortured

For all the years

For all the rounds

All the times you


Were the last standing

It only mom


And I

Who stand now

Goodbye dad

Father’s day

Tis in a week or two

I will say happy Father’s Day to you

I love welding

Just as you did

I had a brain injury

I nearly blind

Yet dad


Without any loss of the sight

I can see

I can see the days




I can see us


Never knowing

Unsure of when

When the beast would arrive

Take over the sane


Intelligent person

The one I know you could be

Once the beast arrived

There was no chance

None at all

That the kind, smart man could survive

The disease in your mind

It controlled you

But I saw you as I died

I told you I forgive you

I will always

I will love you forever

Until dad

One day

You can I meet again

Feel my forgiveness

Let it fill your mind as your terror

Did mom, brothers and mine

Be at peace father

I love you now

I loved you yesterday

On the day I die

And when we meet once more

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