a long mesmerizer analysis and theory vid (because I was bored)

Published 2024-05-14
i was bored and tired ok

chat i think you guys need to watch the full vid before commenting because ppl have been saying "oh teto's doing the ASL for help" and "teto's blinking in morse code" I KNOW. I KNOW OK IT'S MENTIONED IN PART 2 SO YOU GOTTA WATCH THE FULL THING OK

All Comments (21)
  • @fangzgaming5510
    My theory for the confetti thing is that whoever is recording this is trying to hide Miku breaking and (maybe) Teto trying to signal for help(?)
  • @_.Maria._430
    And I noticed that when Teto gets scared, she covers it with a smile.
  • You also forgot how we’re already like getting hypnotized by Miku & Teto.. Left and right, like a coin. Like how MIKU got hypnotized..
  • @thewarden4174
    something i haven't seen mentioned quite yet is miku's collar. it's right over left, which is typically used for dead people. combine that with the ring around her neck, hypnotized expression, and head tilt
  • @Mrpudgy-pudge
    I noticed the black collar on miku’s neck, this could hint that she took her own life. This is considering the fact the Tetó does not have that on her neck.
  • The eyes really do represent they're hope,and in the end where Miku becomes crazy,Teto lost all hope because of losing her friend.
    something i noticed phosphoribosylaminoimidazolesuccinocarboxamide (the super long word in quiz time) is an enzyme found in humans that is essential for DNA synthesis and energy metabolism. i believe a deficiency of this enzyme can cause hearing loss — which could potentially explain why the audio faded out when teto was getting hypnotized (it could also just represent teto blocking out the hypnosis and trying to fight it but idk). also, teto being deaf/hard of hearing could explain why she knew sign language + morse code to begin with maybe probably just a stretch, but i definitely think that word has some sort of meaning considering how random it is
  • @StarXX1392
    Another part proving the “advertisement”/ “performance” theory is that one part at the end where they’re both standing with a green screen behind them, which signals that the background is fake
  • @liamsapong8078
    1:28 - Teto also goes "Perhaps acting stupid and surrendering yourself is the optimal solution" whoch could be referencing on giving yourself up to someone else in hypnosis
  • @honey3339
    This will probably be buried under all these comments, but I wanted to put it out there: The switch to a phone-sized FOV when the "hypnosis" happens could symbolize that they are being hypnotized by US--or, rather, the online attention that we give them. One of the interpretations of the story could then be that they are numbing their emotions of the every day depressing world by seeking social media attention(Miku going "insane" and overperforming for the camera+extra confetti could be like "selling out")
  • @fangzgaming5510
    You know you're in for something when fiction starts telling you to Kel yourself.
  • @Yuki-sp8ev
    there us also a theory were people are saying teto is the one who brought miku into this and then she is also getting hypnotized, that's why she understands how hypnotize work and tries to fight back + the facial expression of "oh no what have i done" when miku was hypnotized and became crazy
  • @itz_emiko
    My theory is that due to reality being harsh, Miku and Teto "escapes" to somewhere better. In the first verse, Miku talks about how reality is just a bunch of fake emotions, and then Teto recommends escapism. However, Teto then says something like 'surrendering yourself is the best solution', which I think, is suicide, due to the world being so harsh. Maybe the hypnotise thingies are the desire to un-alive yourself, idk. In the 'shut down' part, Miku falls into the hypnosis, and following the lines of the theory, Miku gives in and has the desire to end it all. However, Teto doesn't give in just yet, maybe showing that she doesn't un-alive herself and she is going to stay with Miku. In the last chorus, before Miku goes crazy, Teto looks worried, maybe showing that she knows that Miku wants to k!ll herself and she's nervous. But, Miku still looks happy, because she knows that it will all end soon. When Miku finally goes crazy, you can see that her tongue is showing and her neck is unbalanced, showing that she finally ended it all (aka, un-alived herself) with a rope. She also has a choker, symbolising suicide. Teto looked scared from the first few seconds when Miku went crazy, maybe because Miku had k!lled herself. At the very last part, Teto also falls into the hypnosis, aka un-aliving herself, because she can't live without Miku and she wanted to join her. That's all! :D
  • @Hennaurs_alt_
    My thought about teto... Okay, so yes, the screen swayed side to side like miku's but as you can tell, Teto didnt follow the swaying of the screen, instead she stayed still and blurred her eyes to avoid being hypnotised, and i thjnk the shut down part was cut off cause Teto's control of her body didnt get shut down unlike Miku's. And the parts where she asked for help WERE calls for help, tand also, when Miku went insane, teto stopped bobbing up and down for a few seconds, and Miku didnt even stop dancing when it was Teto's turn. And if you could tell. Miku was starting to dance off beat and didnt stop dsncing when the screen was covered. Little easter egg at the end, Teto actually got hypnotised as you can tell that her eyes went black, her sweat disappeared and she smiles.
  • @ranpomydearest
    Also, on the chorus before miku gets hypnotised, he movements already seem to be slurred. Like she's on the verge of being hypnotised. And also, her choker may represent sh/suicide. Speaking of suicide, her body looks dead too. Her skin is white, due to lack of oxygen. Same with here tongue. The slurred movements in her hypnotised state, could be her dead body being controlled by here soul, which most probably died due to well. Suicide.
  • @kelzii_01
    does anyone else realize the fact that they look like they work at a movie theatre or at a hotel?? idk it just kinda seems like that
  • @yummiexD
    1:43 teto was signing in ASL for “help”. 2:21 teto was blinking in morse code “sos” ( . . . _ _ _ . . . ). 2:43 these four quiz questions? the first letters spell “HELP” and the fourth (excluding hat) spell “SOS”. The last question was also some part of a human’s DNA, suggesting Teto is warning you Miku is not human? 2:48 teto was also signing for “save me” 2:53 Miku sways with the screen, while Teto doesn’t. Miku gets hypnotized. If you also didn’t notice, the clouds slow down/stop moving during Miku’s part. However, Teto resists for a long time, even blurring her eyes. She also blocks it out (hence the music stopping). The final words get cut off since she didn’t get hypnotized. 3:11 i forgot what the stars are called, however they have 13 points and represent immortality. 4:12 The confetti only started falling when Teto danced. The background slowly faded to black. 4:53 Teto is so shocked she stops bouncing for a bit. Miku also has a neck tilt and her tongue out, suggesting she hvng herself. Her arms also bend physically impossibly, and she does a move she hadn’t done before. Miku also keeps dancing during Teto’s part and gets off-beat during hers. She also dances when the stars come up. Also, Teto decides to stop resisting and becomes hypnotized, as seen at the end.
  • I thought there was something more about their outfits than just the color so I did some research and saw that scientific research claims that stripy patterns give the human brain a sense of distress and dizziness to the brain. Also stripes or lines that occur in your vision are from the amount of stress that you have. This can be taken in different ways like if we go with the actors theory, they personally have them wear stripy clothing to hypnotize them easier and especially get Miku so that she can be used to get Teto hyponotized also. It can also be said that if we look through the eyes of these two, miku has a lot more stress and she can see lines because of that stress a lot more on her blue clothing while teto doesn’t have as much stress but still sees it on her blue clothing, this can also be a long shot but the amount of stripes on their personal outfits could mean how often they hallucinate. Sorry for this long paragraph, I just was so excited that I could be somewhat smart once 😀.
  • So, I notice that at the end (after Miku’s… episode,) Teto does stop bouncing for a while and also STAYS concerned throughout it. Miku is now ONLY DOING the “puppet-like” poses that she hasn’t done before! If you notice, her wrists are completely limp. I think those collars around her wrists are where the “puppet strings” go, controlling her. Also, Teto looks at her funny before her “shut down” because of the pose she did (at least I think). She gets genuinely kind of concerned for Miku, becuase the hypnosis hasn’t worked that strongly before. It’s super interesting how many details are in this short MV! :D
  • @Autistic_CLAWZZ
    My first impression of this song was "toxic friendships" because in my eyes, i was in a similar situation a while back. With me being miku and my other bestfriend who was in this friendship, as Teto. 1. In the friendship i was, and still am but just a bit less, swayed/manipulatable. 2. My other best friend (we'll call her Len), Len was the reasonable one. Being the one who ended the friendship for both of us, while I, being like Miku here, was already "mesmerized" by her (ex toxic friend, lets call her Kylie). 3. Len asked for help with her while i didn't. She told people abt the situation, i kept my mouth shut. 4. Continuing off if 3 while being a seperate point, i was very similar to Miku; Gullible, vulnerable, and easy to manipulate. To add more, i was being used for entertainment (with the whole show like theme of the a mv/song) and with being used as a servant(or in other words, a puppet.) in a way. (They also have 90's diner outfits. Waiter Miku and i think receptionist/front desk Teto?) 5. Roles. with miku being a waiter, shes commanded alot, Similar to myself. And Teto being a person who leads you 2 ur table, shes usually saying the commands. But, that doesn't mean she cant be commanded, similar to Len. Well, this is where im gonna end my rant! Bye :3