RGB Flowersick with Teensy 3.2 and WS2812B mini and gyroscope

Published 2019-02-12
Here is one of my more complex projects.
Its a so called RGB Flowerstick / Devilstick wich uses a Teensy 3.2 and very small WS2812B MINI 3535( on a 144 LED / meter) strip
it can load simple bitmaps from a microSD card to project them by rotating. Similar to a POV Display (Persistence of Vision).
To avoid a gymbal lock I did the maths with quaternions... ( took damn long to understand... weeks of confusion and pure desperation!!! )
The rotation is measured by a gyroscope (MPU 6050 Module)
To supply some power, I took two LiPOs wich are used in quadrocopters and a simple step up converter.
I added a few simple animations wich are not influenced by rotating speed.

All Comments (4)
  • @BensonTrent
    I'd be interested in your code as well. I'm tinkering on a POV light stick with gyro control with an MPU6050 as well, even if it's a mess, seeing your draft code in a gist or something would be a huge help, even if your specific parameters only work for your project.
  • @mikastamm8511
    What are you using as the tips? The look really cool and seem to be able to absorb some impact when dropping it. Btw.: I would also be interested in the code (even if its a mess :D)
  • @MarkyMarc
    really nice project :D is it on github ?