Global National: April 20, 2024 | Will US aid package for Ukraine, Israel inspire others to follow?

Published 2024-04-21
In tonight’s top story: U.S. Congress has finally passed a $95-billion aid package to replenish military aid to Ukraine and other countries, as Russia continues to gain ground in its invasion of Ukraine. In a bid to address a slew of other global security concerns, the bill also includes money for Israel, Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific region. The bill will now go to the Senate, which is expected to pass it in the next few days before being signed it into law. As Neetu Garcha explains, the much-needed help was only approved after months of stalling, driven by political divides in Washington, D.C.

A major part of the Congressional aid package — $26 billion— will support Israel in its battle against Hamas, though it’s not clear exactly what that money will be spent on. The war has claimed more than 34,000 lives in Gaza. More than 130 hostages remain in the strip and calls for their return, and a swift end to the war, continue to grow. Crystal Goomansingh reports.

In India, almost one billion people are eligible to vote in the country’s parliamentary election over the coming six weeks. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is hoping for a third term at the helm of the world’s largest democracy. Meanwhile, as Redmond Shannon reports, opposition parties say the odds are stacked against them.

A public inquiry looking into foreign interference in Canada has been heavily focused on the alleged work of Chinese agents in Canada. But a group of Sikh leaders is also pushing for more attention on another perceived threat — India. Global’s chief political correspondent David Akin reports.

Plus, hockey playoff fever is in full swing across Canada — and the big question is: will a Canadian team win the Stanley Cup? The Canucks, Oilers, Jets and Leafs all have a shot at the ultimate prize. The last time that happened was 31 years ago. Eric Sorensen on whether one of our own can break the curse.

And finally, 25 years after two senior students entered Colorado’s Columbine high school and opened fire, killing a teacher and 12 students, there are still so many lessons to take away from that tragedy. Since Columbine, there have been more than 400 school shootings across the U.S. As Caryn Lieberman reports, U.S. lawmakers have struggled to roll out tougher firearms legislation and reduce gun violence.

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All Comments (21)
  • @rewind1960
    It’s not an aid package it’s a bill to keep the profits flowing for the industrial military complex and to keep laundering money through Ukraine. Meanwhile the borders are wide open, and Americans needs are ignored. The same as Canadians in Canada.
  • @kupper123
    " They got money for wars, but not for the poor." Tupac
  • @tenderrs1178
    why do we have to be involved in wars that has nothing to do with us when we can't take care of our own
  • @signofjonah3599
    I need to live in Israel to get free Healthcare and free handout from Canada!
  • @diab748
    But no money for education, infrastructure, and health care?
  • Omg have america and canada not givin thrm enough? INSANE. What a joke.
  • @bobmatt1966
    I fail to see how countries giving money to Ukraine will help. Ukraine will fall, it’s inevitable . Russia is too powerful. Besides does Ukraine even have any troops left?
  • All the money being wasted on wars while at home people are homeless and in debt
  • @HemiJB91
    Please God send the astroid. Long overdue
  • Inflationary $95B package which will enrich the weapons company which some politicians have vested interest to. They have all the billions to throw at other countries but could not solve their own domestic problems like homelessness and migrant crisis.
  • @HamidA-to8vy
    Inspiring! merely having a normal relationship with the only country in the world is committing genocide, according to the International Court of Justice, is unsettling.
  • As long as Bettman is running the NHL no Canadian team will ever win the cup
  • " No money for other countries until everyone in Canada has affordable housing and food ✌🏼 and see ya later alligator 🐊
  • @slwide7507
    This will prolong the suffering of civilians in Ukraine and increase profits of US weapons manufacturers.
  • Justin Trudeau main concern to Poland's Prime Minister will be about gay marriage not Ukraine