WHY was the Earth TERRIFYING BEFORE PANGEA? The Most Amazing Prehistoric Secrets DOCUMENTARY

Published 2024-05-15
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The ancient supercontinent Pangaea, which existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras, is a fascinating topic for those interested in the Earth's geological history. Pangaea formed approximately 335 million years ago and began to break apart around 175 million years ago. This colossal landmass, which encompassed nearly all of the Earth's continents, offers a unique window into the prehistoric world before the age of the dinosaurs. During its existence, Pangaea hosted a variety of life forms and ecosystems, laying the foundation for the evolutionary processes that would eventually lead to the rise of the dinosaurs.

The climate of Pangaea was vastly different from today's, with large arid deserts in the interior and lush, humid regions along the coasts. The supercontinent's breakup played a crucial role in shaping the Earth's current geography, leading to the formation of the Atlantic Ocean and the distinct continents we recognize today. Studying Pangaea not only helps us understand continental drift and plate tectonics but also provides insights into the environmental and climatic conditions that influenced the development of early life on Earth.

Exploring Pangaea takes us on a journey through time, revealing how the shifting of massive tectonic plates caused the landmass to fracture and disperse. This process significantly impacted the planet's biodiversity, driving the evolution and migration of species across vast distances. The legacy of Pangaea is still evident in the fossil record and the geological formations found on different continents, offering a glimpse into the dynamic and ever-changing nature of our planet. By delving into the history of Pangaea, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complex interplay of geological forces that have shaped the Earth over millions of years.

This channel is an official affiliate of the ORBINEA STUDIO network.

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