(#1) Alef Tav (Yeshua) in Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1

Published 2019-01-02
Introduction to the Alef/Tav as Yeshua.
"And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself." - Luk 24:27

“For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me." -
Jn 5:46

Yeshua would have been speaking Hebrew, not Greek.  No wonder the warning about adding to or taking away from Revelation was so dire.
Rev 1:8 - “I am the Alef and the Tav, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” - Rev 1:8

"saying, “I am the Alef and the Tav, the First and the Last,” and, “What you see, write in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia: to Ephesus, to Smyrna, to Pergamos, to Thyatira, to Sardis, to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea.” -'Rev 1:11

"And He said to me, “It is done! I am the Alef and the Tav, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts."" - Rev 21:6

“I am the Alef and the Tav, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” - Rev 22:13

#aleftav #alephtav #alphaandomega #moshiach #Yeshua #hebrewGypsy #messiahhiddeninplainsight
#hollyhickey #hollymattin

All Comments (21)
  • @sinhchiem
    I am alive and well today is because of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, it was Him that took me from the dark into the Light, He heal me from Suicidal, Drug, Alcohol, Anxiety, Depression, Sickness from Sins, Amen to that and Amen to our Holy Father of the heaven in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: There is nothing in this world that can disprove the bible, because it is the word of the Living GOD of the Heaven, Amen.
  • @tercha76
    Thank you for posting. A true gem.
  • I listened to this several times to make sure I understood your meaning. I listened to several of your other videos, and finally found one where you linked to this one. Fascinating! Much to think about.
  • @user-vg1cn4if4x
    Great Stuff, Keep it up! חסד ושלום עליכם והרבה אהבה וברכות
  • To All my brothers and sisters that were, and are, and are still to come,🤔 Psalm 133... Let us All strive to make Torah honourable once again 🙏🕎🌏🌍🌎✝️🪔
  • @Seek4Him
    Shalom sister, good stuff. I like learning more on my lunch break
  • @Grace-pp3dw
    26 Praise the Lord 86 שלום אדון עולם | Shalom Adon Olam
  • @broadbandtogod
    Another point, though maybe known to you already: Alef spelled out, becomes "Eleph": Alef Lamed Pey, which means "One thousand". There is one Alef in 6 of the 7 words in Gen 1:1, the only word that does not contain it is "heavens", or HaShmaim. So what we can read from that is this: One day for the Lord is like a thousand years principle. 7 words in Gen 1:1, but only 6 "Eleph". The first 4 words hints of 4000 years, because 4 Alef. Then HaShmaim breaks in without an Alef. And after that there is 2 more words with 2 Alef. So 4000 years goes, "Heaven" comes down, and separates those years (OT) from the next coming 2000 years (NT). (Then comes the 1000 years millenium in Heaven, so the 6 "Eleph" is indeed in a consistent timeperiod). Also, look at the meaning of the HaShmaim. H = Revelation or to see SH = Teeth or destruction M = People, water or plenty I = Hand or action M = People, water or plenty Which could be spellt out "And it will be revealed of the destruction of the multitudes actions many". Now we know sin started in Heaven by angels and spread to earth to man. I believe that's why Elohim cannot grant an Alef to HaShmaim, although that is where the 1000 year or millenium will take place. That is where sin started, and where it will be judged. It's almost a hint from God saying that He would rather have His heart - prescense - Alef - with us than in Heaven in a way. This time prophecy can also be confirmed from the B'reshit. Look at the Yod and the Tav: Yod = Hand or action (numerical 10) Tav = Covenant or cross (numerical 400) When would the "action" of the "cross" be? 10 x 400 = 4000 years If you dig deep into the 4 day of creation, through ELSS you can find the name YSHUA hidden in the text, through the Alef (hard to describe in words, I can show in a video). 4th day, ELSS skips, even 4 letters = 4 x 1000 = 4000 years until the Messiah was born. What scares/encourages me a little is: We know that Christ was born -4bc our time. Christ lived 30 years before His priesthood, ergo year 27, and had His missionary for 3+ years. Add 2000 years to that = - 4bc + 33 years ish (years 30) + 2000 years = year 2030 Now there's something called "Agenda 2030", which will be the very last days, weeks, months before the 2 advent. Christ is returning. You will be out of here within +/- 8 years. Heaven is coming to bring you home. YOU WILL NOT BE HERE FOR MUCH LONGER!
  • @JRTIGER07
    Shalom Aleichem 🇳🇿❤🇮🇱 Isaiah 41:4 Isaiah 44:6 Revelation 1:8 Revelation 1:17-18 🕊 Amen Come Yeshua Ha-MaShiach 🕊
  • @cptcosmo
    And another interesting insight, the Aleph & Tav is on the right hand side of Elohim in the first line of Genesis...
  • @rw4170
    The significance of "alef taw" is that it defines the direct object. Word order in Hebrew is not as set as in English.
  • @accountams6717
    Hebrew used to be written without spaces. Vav - meaning "and" remained always attached. Christ come in the 4th thousand years after creation of men (so it is the forth Word) and is coming back in the 6th (so Alef Tov) is the sixth Word
  • @kenwebster5053
    I've long understood 40 to signify or herald change. Perhaps an intercession travail before change.
  • @accountams6717
    thank you sister, may I ask what Bible you use that has both English and Hebrew?
  • Great video! Could you please tell me what Bible is used in this video? Would like to get it
  • @christatum3045
    Also the "Alef" & "Tav" together can make the same sound as "Alef Vav Tav" which as you mentioned the "Vav" means "And" this gives us the word "אוֺת" which means "Sign" and since the first words were actually Signs/Pictures then the "Alef Tav" is actually a homophone for "Word" the english word "Quote" is probably directly related/descended from that concept since "quote" not only relates to words but to words from an original speaker and what speaker is more Original than God Himself who is The Word and spoke the world into existence? We serve an AMAZING God. And this goes much deeper once you look into the letter Yod and its connection to Words, Ideas & Possessions. Hallelujah
  • @taniaclout4557
    First letter and last letter of the Hebrew alphabet I am the first and the last Rev 1:11 - Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, Can I ask where did you get this Bible scripture with Hebrew translation ?