The Importance of Prayer | Bishop Barron | EP 50

Published 2023-12-02
This episode was recorded on August 31st, 2023.

Bishop Barron, born on November 19, 1959, is an American Catholic prelate currently serving as the bishop of the Diocese of Winona–Rochester since 2022. Renowned as the founder of the Catholic ministerial organization Word on Fire, Barron hosted the acclaimed PBS documentary series "Catholicism" and held positions as rector at Mundelein Seminary (2012-2015) and auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles (2015-2022). Beyond his ecclesiastical roles, Barron is a prolific author on theology and spirituality, doubling as a religion correspondent for NBC. Acknowledged as the "bishop of social media" and the "bishop of the Internet," he boasts a substantial online presence with millions of followers across various platforms and has been invited to speak at major tech company headquarters. Barron's influence extends globally, having delivered keynote addresses at prominent events such as the 2016 World Youth Day and the 2015 World Meeting of Families.

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— Chapters —
00:00 - Coming Up
01:08 - Introduction
02:43 - The Meaning of Being Called by Jesus
06:57 - The Healing Power of Prayer
09:39 - Love: The De-Centering of the Ego
13:53 - A Routine of Prayer
17:08 - Staying Present & Grounded
21:17 - The Monastic Lifestyle
24:50 - Christ: The Icon of the Invisible God
28:51 - Tammy's Experience with the Rosary
38:56 - Prayer & Suffering
44:27 - Transubstantiation
50:20 - The Importancee of Daily Prayer
01:01:55 - Tammy’s Diet: Faith & Physiology

All Comments (21)
  • @dianekelly3452
    In 2022 I was in a nursing home trying to recuperate from a fall. After several weeks I felt despair because my roommates were dying. I talked to Jesus, not in prayer, but in desperation for I thought death was at my door. My pain was so great, my fear greater, and I forgot how to pray. So, I understand now that people we’re praying to Jesus for me. It explains why I left soon after to finally receive hip surgery from a fracture that nobody knew I was suffering from. Since that surgery I decided to be baptized Catholic, which hopefully will happen in 2024. Ironically, I have rheumatoid arthritis and gravitated to the Carnivore diet to reduce inflammation from eating a plant-based diet.
  • @loreman7267
    This is what the Internet is for: a new convert and a successor to the Apostles, in a session of spiritual direction, laid out for all of us to hear! ❤
  • When I found out Tammy was sick I went to the tomb of St. Charbel with my mom, who is also a fan of JP and his family, and prayed for her healing and conversion, as I’m sure many Catholics around the world did. Seeing this now is just.. amazing. Truly, the power of prayer, especially in numbers, is astounding.
  • @unitrarenee1406
    I LOVE this woman’s humility and sincerity. It is God’s power working through her.
  • @annamoreau4068
    I could listen to Tammy speak for hours. I love her voice and her mind.
  • @Sunicarus
    I'm looking forward to listening to this. Welcome to the catholic church Tammy. God bless you!
  • As a woman I use to always fear walking in the street by myself. But since I consecrated my life to the scared heart of Jesus and prayer with our Lady. I realized that I have to be ready at all times to serve God. So when I walk down the street, I look at all things and all people and I open myself to be available, whether it is to smile and say hello, to look someone in the eye in acknowledgement, to help, to give, to pray. When I make things less about me and more about God I naturally have less fear and more love ❤ life becomes abundant and courageous
  • @11antun
    God bless the Sister that brought the Rosary to you
  • “Perfect love casts out all fear” — Bishop Baron is a true shepherd ✝️
  • @DudeRanchDan
    Knowing that Bishop Barron says a prayer for me every friday at compline, has uplifted my day. Psalm 88
  • I burst into tears at the first prayer. When I got painful treatments for my cancer I’d think of the 9 inch nails driven into his holy body and my pain became bearable
  • I pray the Rosary to. "Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did." - St. Maximillian Kolbe
  • @robertwhite8194
    Tammy, I met you in Indianapolis when I saw Jordan speak. I sat next to you and I have to say you were incredibly friendly. We talked a decent amount before his talk started but you never mentioned who you were. You just talked about how you were a McGill graduate and you were involved with researching interesting nerve therapies. I learned afterwards I was sitting next to Jordan's wife. From our short encounter I could just tell you were a pure heart with incredible humility. I later learned what a faithful Catholic you are and that makes me so happy. God bless you and I wish you and your family the best!
  • @11antun
    Love you both as a catholic sister, and praying for you in Medjugorje. tammy, you are a soul that is inspiring my heart!
  • @nickpalma673
    The rosary will bring me to tears. It truly takes me to a peace beyond understanding. Praying for others is powerful.
  • @bluephenix6021
    Oh Bishop, everytime I listen to you I fall in love with Catholicisim all over again. Thank you 🙏
  • @jwdomes
    Tammy does a great job of hosting and giving Bishop Barron space to speak freely. Feels more like a personal conversation than interview.
  • @aadamy
    “Obligation to be useless”. Knowing how much Bishop Barron works and is probably tempted to be a work a holic, this was so encouraging to me. I also pray out on my porch. Rain or shine.
  • @teiresias5260
    Dear Tammy, sister in Christ, I feel touched in my heart. It's so deep. Beyond words.