7 Reasons Why a Narcissist Doesn't Love Their Children

Published 2023-06-27
Children who grow up in a home with a narcissistic parent often experience significant damage. If you're a child of a narcissistic parent, then this video is for you.

00:00 Introduction
01:35 1.narcissistic parents show affection for public approval
02:46 2.Idealization of the toddler stage
04:00 3.They love the control and compliance
05:01 4.Their love is very conditional
05:55 5.They utilise children as leverage
07:14 6.you are used to display a perfect family image
08:28 7.They exercise favoritism and create a rift
09:10 Conclusion

All Comments (21)
  • @rocksolid6494
    The narcisistic parent demands that you love them while treating you like shit. They would not understand why you hate them. It is all your fault.
  • @DocLucy
    I remember sitting between my arguing parents each saying (about me) “I don’t want her” “I don’t want her, either” during their divorce. Needless to say how this impacted my self-esteem, poor relationship choices and fear/avoidance-based decisions MY ENTIRE LIFE. I’m now 60 and am reclaiming my life. MY life. This channel helps so much! 🙏
  • @rasaperkunas1722
    It’s a curse I would not wish on my enemies. Love and light to all survivors 🙏🏻✨
  • @DesertSessions93
    Instead of being upset about how garbage my parents are, I'm going to focus on making sure I don't turn out the same way.
  • @ozzyinphilly
    THE IDEALIZATION OF THE TODDLER STAGE. My jaw is on the floor. This is all my mom. “You were so fun when you were little.” She only loved me until I could think for myself.
  • I once tape recorded how my mother (the matriarch of our clan) spoke to me whenever we were alone. I played it back to family who hadn’t previously believed me. Everyone FROZE for 10 seconds and then went back to their conversation as if nothing happened! It was like their brains said, cannot compute so ignore what you just heard. I realized many things at that point in time.
  • @wm17959
    I'm 64 years old and my mother still does this stuff. She will never stop. She will never see me as an intelligent, independent person.
  • @thisisme3238
    I was raised in a narcissist family. You have no identity of your own, and when you try to create your own identity....all hell breaks loose. Thanks for your video. 👍🇺🇲
  • I was raised by 2 narcissists. I was never hugged, never told “I love you”, never encouraged or supported. I never felt loved and never got any affection whatsoever. Only criticism and put downs. They really broke me. Same thing when I married my narcissist husband. I am finally realizing this and how I disassociate from life. I’m finally trying to heal.
  • @sarahcolwell6024
    My mom hated me and had my dad and brothers pile on. When I showed artistic talent early on and people would give me art supplies, she threw them away and wouldn't let me take art classes in school. When I was sick or injured, she wouldn't take me to the doctor, but my brother was rushed to the clinic for the slightest ailment. I walked on broken bones and, when I my brother knocked me over in a bike race and I was gravely injured with a TBI and bleeding wounds, she told the neighbors who had rescued me from the street and taken me home in their car, "Don't bring her in the house: she'll get blood on the carpet." It's a nightmare to grow up like this. I rebelled inside and made my own life, but the pissed off, suicidal 4 year-old terrorized little girl is still her with me. Thanks so much.
  • Every word is so true! I'm now 67, my mom always called me an "idiot". At 18 I left, paid for my college with money id saved,. It was a community college, $150 a semester, ( i had saved money from numerous jobs i had during high school from picking apples in an orchard to mowing lawns and working washing dishes in a restaurant, and a summer working in a shoe factory) The college was a 2 year program, 4 semesters, for a AA degree in business management. This was 1975. My mom said, " your not going you have no money", I said i have the money and i went. I year latter I moved out. My father always agreed with her. That"s the tip of the ice burg. It was a rough start.
  • @abeeha115
    I feel like society normalizes narcissistic parents too. Each time I've talked about the following points I am met with the idea that "oh, but they are your parents and it's like that sometimes." The gaslighting goes beyond the immediate family structure it seems.
  • @Nick-dg3fk
    I could never ever call or text my mom about a problem im having without her making the situation completely about herself.
  • @Event-pw2ks
    I was never loved by my mother. She was distant and cold. As a child, I always wondered what I did to make her hate me…. a very sad and disfuncional state of being
  • @CkretSkwerl
    Omg!!!!! This is my childhood . Each item is precisely how I grew up. NEVER understand what was true and what was false. My mother would take one side on an issue in public and the complete opposite at home. So confusing we all walked on eggshells around her. She seemed always angry. She was an expert at shaming me and mocking and making fun of me. She absolutely crushed me to my core. I did not find out she was narcissistic til I was 45. Years and years of therapy did not help a whole lot. My professional life was good. I educated myself, went to college. Personal life was a wreck. I have never recovered. I am 75 yrs old now and still suffer. She ruined my life and stole it from me. Too late for me now. I cried when I read this because it is EXACTLY how my mother was
  • @realjcoop182
    My mom literally sabotaged my green card and told me she was glad to do it. The worst part is I married a woman like her and didn't know it till it was too late. I escaped my marriage mostly unscathed. She sabotaged my green card too. Now I'm forty, moms passed and I'm divorced rebuilding my life. I have zero tolerance for any type of toxic or narcissistic behaviors
  • When they tell you they love you, what they really mean is they have a very long list of detailed requirements for you to unconditionally comply with.
  • Boy, is this 💯% correct! I grew up with a narcissistic mother and this describes my hellious upbringing just exactly. Narcissists don’t have the capacity for love because it’s always only about themselves.
  • @SunnydazeAmore
    I wish i could hug every person who grew up w parents who made them feel unworthy of love. It’s so far from true. and I hope you can find the love within yourself so you can find your person and/or soulmate, whichever you believe in who will never make you doubt yourself or your purpose in this crazy narcissistic world. ❤❤ the evil parents clearly didn’t find it in themselves and so they take it out on their biggest blessings in life which isn’t fair. Be the one to break that cycle!!!