Overcoming addiction - MDMA and Magic Mushrooms ...

Published 2019-11-25
MDMA and MUSHROOMS - overcoming addiction (ecstasy shrooms)
The video was done without preparation. There was a lot left out, and I had at least a couple of times where things got a bit crazy -- but fortunately no serious consequences. These substances are not to mess with, and I do not adovate their use - unless done with professionals with the specific purpose of support.


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All Comments (21)
  • Thank you for this testimony; I actually got a huge scare last Saturday; ironically enough, it was weed (which I very rarely do) in combination with ectasy that made realized I could become an addict if I keep it this way; last year I was doing it once every 1 or 2 months; but the last 4 months I did it every week, and even twice a week the last 3 weeks. I had a very-bad-harsh auto-confrontational weed trip, that made realized I was lying to myself with the concept of being 'an ocassional MDMA consumer'. So I deleted my dealer contact, also a couple of people I know, and will begin a journey of zero-ectasy; Ill be replying to this post every once in a while to tell you how am I going.
  • @777hailey4
    I’m 16 and I recently got over my addiction to mdma and I don’t think I was addicted to mushrooms but I definitely abused them. I was also trying to better myself and fell into what it seems like u fell into. Thank u for sharing your story
  • You’re awesome, thank you.. I’m following you for sure .. thank you x
  • Couldn’t be more accurate of course because it is your personal experience. I can relate where it had made my ego feel good and almost convinced me my ego and I were ona team, but my ego then stopped me from taking any real action but In a way beautifully/tortuously dangling infront of my pupils
  • I can very relate to your story, I've been a good guy all my life, i first tried alcohol at 18 but didn't touch any drug, finally at 22 i first tried weed and then psychedelics but it was the science researchs that got my curiosity into those substances
  • Going down the rabbit hole is the part of the magic in mushrooms, taking em and not following the white rabbit is a part of the journey itself but one way or another you'll eventually get to wonderland Some people are not ready and sometimes I even second guess myself cause the journey is very uncharted territory and it can feel very lonesome but you meet others like you most of the time without you even knowing it
  • @Alec_newb
    Very spot on man, great video I just subbed 🤜
  • @sharparts8637
    Magic mushrooms (psilocybin) are actually being used in certain studies to help those with serious addictions to harmful substances such as alcohol, heroin, tobacco etc. The fact that your use of mushrooms has bought you to a point where you can see that the use of ANY substance to 'feel better' or want to 'be better'/ be in a different state other than your baseline/'sober' one, is interesting to me, because I would argue it shows that this is part of the magic mushrooms experience for you, and how psychadelics help those with other addiction issues. Mushrooms can give people great introspection into this aspect of their drug use - if those are questions they are already asking in themselves. It can give you the key, but you yourself have to walk through the door. As you say, they showed you what you could become but they dont do the work for you - they can show you that their is work to be done and thats why they are a plant medicine that should be respected and treated as as such, not abused for recreational purposes or a 'high'. And that why they are different from real addictive drugs that f*ck up dopamine levels in the brain (mushrooms only affect the receptors). But just like you said - eventually, you will see that you dont NEED them and that you have work to do. Like Alan Watts said about psychadelics 'when you get the message, hang up the phone'. But, psychedelics truely do have healing properties if used with the right intentions. Thanks for the share 🙏
  • @Mr_Mist_
    Holly duck this is crazy accurate
  • lol i just went cold turkey not too long ago and this video really helps put things in perspective ti why i should never do these again. thank you sir
  • @seregabumer1
    Man that’s spot on 👌🏼very very relatable and accurate. I love how you put this across. Definitely a big part of it is self discovery through potentially the drug but then following it up with legitimate change in yourself 👏
  • @djonenonly8381
    i tried a chocolate piece yhat shyt fely like i took 3 e pills. n i use to take Es.. but i took 1 chocolate square that shyt hit me like 3 pills yo... i never knew shroom was like so..
  • @23lemons
    Very interesting video for me. Thanks a lot! You‘re so sympathic, you earn a lot more followers! 🥰
  • @Bluemann023
    i never knew mushrooms were addictive 😂every time i go on trip i always tell myself i will never do it again… also how can u get a constant high off of mushroom? mushrooms tolerance is so high that you would need to wait acouple of weeks to get the same high off of mushrooms so how are mushrooms addictive?
  • @gemi8656
    So basically you feel like a superman but you re not. But you can at least get a uniform of superman and be satisfied.
  • U are a freak ❤ love it Best wishes from Vienna ✌️ 🇦🇹
  • Mushrooms do not make you feel good! There is a reason why people don't keep chewing them.... You don't crave the substance, you are just using your consciousness to convince yourself that you want more in order to become better. That's not what happens when you do nicotine or herion. These are the substances that actually causes you discomfort if you do not consume them regularly. Mushrooms on the other hand, your brain doesn't really want them. They cause the brain to loose balance and you do not want that experience as it is very tough to go through. This is why somone who did 3 grams will NOT want to do it the next day! (unless you convince yourself that you are becoming better and you yourself, consciously will do it, even though you are not enjoying it. In that case no one can stop you. Especially when you make the decision without any influence
  • @anarab4658
    What are the smart drugs you are talking about adderll?