The Twilight Zone A Stop at Wiloughby

Published 2010-12-03
The Twilight Zone A Stop at Wiloughby

All Comments (21)
  • I am in the final days of heart failure. The doctors have done all they can and say try to enjoy the few weeks I have left. I watch this video every day. Jesus said " I go to prepare a place for you" I So Hope it's like Willoughby. I Believe Jesus Loves me and is going to surprise me with something Greater than I can imagine. Thank You God. In my younger years, when I had my whole life ahead of me, I never thought these things. But now as I trudge the final days I told my friend the other day " It's not so fun this close to dying " What ever the reason I have been here, Thank You God, Thank you Mom and Dad and my brother Robert. ❤️ I have been Truly Blessed.
  • @trec251
    My great uncle played the train conductor in Willoughby <3
  • This episode is said to be Rod Serlings favorite. I love it too. Ever since I was a kid.
  • @markkomis6160
    The ironic thing is that this episode first aired in 1959. Were it to be remade today the 21st century commuter would likely look out his window seeing a peaceful and idyllic suburb from the 1950’s.
  • @johntoomey357
    Willoughby is not only a funeral home it's also heaven
  • @mjnc3672
    Willoughby, peaceful, restfull, where a man can slow down to a walk, a place where a man can live his life full measure.
  • @pd417
    “…a man can slow down to a walk and live his life full measure…”. Something we all strive to do in our lives.
  • @yusefendure
    There is a silver lining in this cautionary tale: listen to your gut and do what you love. A life based on greed, competition, and power is a society that will destroy itself. It's right to slow down and to be present in nature. The concrete jungle is the REAL illusion.
  • This is the saddest episode, in my opinion, since all he ever wanted was to live a simpler life, and society's materialistic views kept him from doing what he really wanted.
  • my brother just passed away and we use to talk about wiloughby and he hoped that heaven would be like this little town,,,he loved the thought of spending eternity there!!!!!!
  • There is a lot of truth in this episode. When you are living by others expectations and desires you’ll never be very happy.
  • He changes trains, line and path to new life where a man can live his life full measure
  • @cefinau
    The sound of the crossing bells approaching and then fading away, is so melancholy
  • @geo386
    This makes me want to travel back in time to a point in my youth I was happiest. To me this episode was not only a tear jerker, but also a kind of What If?
  • @PaleRyder563
    We all feel like we want to step off the train sometimes.
  • @kathconserv
    No telephones. No laptops. No social media. No cars. No iPhones. No GPS. take me there.
  • @paradoxdea
    "Willoughby: where a man can live his life full measure." Sounds like my kind of place!! 😊😊