Every Battle Boots True Combo (13+ COMBOS)

Published 2022-12-14

All Comments (21)
  • Scythe + unarmed + katars = Battle Boots (blasters recovery and gauntlets GP but the GP is the strength of the katars GP)
  • @Shade_777
    The ground pound on this weapon is just unpredictable and I think the counter should be the blasters
  • @Ce_Dexter0us
    Dude holy shit I’d be so surprised if battle boots doesn’t get nerfed.
  • @Rogue516
    Hey @More Cosolix , sometimes when I do the Dlight+Sair(forward)+Dlight it doesnt work and they dodge out of it, or it just doesnt land. Any tips there?
  • @mrwillham5393
    you can do the dlight into gc nlight on stage as well. boots are just nuts man so oppresive. beat out a lot of stuff, but they deff struggle against certain things. lance is decent into them, spear is pretty good as well.
  • @inftriangle
    D-light into recovery is true. unlike blasters you don't have to chase dodge you can just hold whever direction your opponent is at. input is Dlight (hold forward mid d-light) and then recovery while still holding forward. its also a kill option. D-light into GP using the same input is also true. good for KO below maps
  • @layuhI
    d light recovery and dlight gp (on ground) is true for being in the air you want to chase dodge in and then gp for 1 frame (dlight + recovery / dlight gp)
  • One combo that I found is Dlight > Chase Dodge Down > Dair. The condition is that you have to have ground to hit for the hitbox to snag the person. Regardless of which Dair you do, either no ai or ai, it'll have kinda the same result except ai dair leaves you back on the ground and if you dash at a weird timing you sort of go slightly above them and just drag them back onto the ground. Hard to explain, but I hope this made sense. Oh one last thing! Dlight into Dair works with any of the combo strings that you've shown so far. If it isn't true, then using the Dash Down tactic makes it true. (At least that's what I've seen so far
  • @simpledd
    there's Dlight GP also by sliding a bit to the side just like the recovery version
  • @oMammoth
    i think you missed dlight sair slight (works around 20-40 dmg mostly 30 and 40)
  • @Cynda64
    I noticed you can do side light, into down air, into downlight. I don’t know if it is true, but it’s something I like to use. It gets to a point where I don’t know what to add to it, but I feel like if you did some kind of upwards attack it could do well.
  • Wowowow thanks for da vid, finna meme with it Possible counter against bow????
  • @waifjyux
    The 2 hit combo with the most damage that hits all the time is dlight up into gp
  • dlight GC nlight works onstage if you dlight up (you have to hit it kinda stacked)
  • It’s really hard to do but down light (not holding down), dair is true but I’m doing it true on the edge of the map and sometimes it will completely miss.
  • @Dema-nh2jd
    How th do i gc slight bcs when i try to do the dlight - gc slight i just chase dodge and can do gc
  • @blazedenenra
    Scythe unarmed spiked boots are fun. Mobile friendly apparently (but I prefer controller),