Thinking Through My Interracial Adoption

Published 2017-01-30
Some brief thoughts on my experience be raised adopted interracially and some advice for parents of interracially adopted children.

All Comments (3)
  • Our stories are pretty much the same; adopted at birth, raised to "not see color" I turned out like you but recently became hyper aware of my differences and I am miserable. As much as I love my adoptive mom and appreciate her intentions, I wish I was never adopted. *edit: OR that she had done more to introduce me to diversity and my culture
  • Thank you so much for making this video... although I am not adopted, nor do I know what you have gone through, I have grown passionate over the debate on whether or not Transracial Adoption is "okay". I'm currently writing a paper to support the argument that Interracial Adoption is okay and was wondering if I could quote you on your views? Or even possibly email-interview you? If not, no worries at all but if you could, please let me know ASAP. Thank you for your time :)