KILLER INSTINCT SNES: More important than the arcade version?

Published 2024-02-21
The Nintendo Switch Online release of KI for Super Nintendo is so much more important than you think. But it doesn't mean that I have any idea how to play it.


All Comments (21)
  • @FF2Guy
    Nothing can beat the old black cart
  • @MariachiBro
    This was and still is my favorite SNES game and I'm so stoked it was release on the Nintendo Online. Been playing it non stop!
  • @popixel
    This video brought back so many nostalgic memories, not only from the SNES clips, but the Donkey Kong Country demo tape that you had with KI arcade. I loved this game in the arcade, but the SNES version was great.
  • @yordan826
    SNES KI?, is time to subscribe back that’s my childhood in a game literally, one of the best games I ever played and I don’t even like fighting games.
  • @psyents_8150
    I grew up on this, i was terrible at it as a kid. But as an adult i have gotten exceptionally good wotj fulgor!
  • @XxQozEMotoxX
    I still have the CD soundtrack 😎 Killer Instinct was that game back in the day. And Blast Corp. Now let’s get War Gods and I’ll be happy lol
  • @arlopsopticblast
    I remeber I picked the SNES port Complete on Box for around 20 dollar's at the time and I atill own it to this day. Havent mastered it but was the first SNES game I got Complete in Box
  • @MattyIcecubes
    I just started playing it and it's ok for a SNES port. KI Gold for N64 was amazeballz!
  • @coyote311
    I still remember playing it in Wal-Mart on the demo system they had set up and accidently putting in Orchids finisher where she shows her tits to the opponent to kill them. I was young (like 12 or so) and was there with my parents and they just let me play those in store demo systems to "babysit" me while they shopped. My mom was SUPER pissed and my dad was doing his best to act angry while trying not to crap his pants laughing. Needless to say I wasn't allowed to own the game until I moved out. If I live to be a hundred years old I will never forget all of the fantastic adventures I have had in the video game world!! Even now I continue to have new adventures every day in games :)
  • SNES KI was one of the first games i played regularly ONLINE with ZSNES. If I'm not mistaken I think the SNES version has better gameplay balance than the arcade original.
  • @bifftannen1598
    Just like UMK3, Nintendo/Rare should've used another 8 megabits to include more sound & de-compress some of the stuff they did have on there. Each game would've seemed so much more complete. Killer Instinct was as good as it could be for 32 megabits. I would assume the arcade game was at least double or triple that so they did a good job considering the constraints. Now that there aren't memory limitations, it'd be cool if they went back & included a lot of what was missing or just improve quality here & there, a bit like Nightdive Studios has been doing when remastering games.
  • For me, KI was the "Sonic the Hedgehog" of fighting games... in that you kind of felt out the gameplay and combos through trial and error. While you learned the specials, no one memorized the exact buttons for combos and you mostly did them instinctively or by accident.
  • @HelpTheWretched
    At one time, I knew this game's mechanics pretty well! By the way, the SNES port originally had a lot more animation (there are videos of an earlier version from trade shows etc.) but they cut a ton of frames to make room for the announcer. Which would you have preferred?
  • @MoltoRubato88
    Killer Instinct is easily the best fighting game in the SNES Nintendo Switch Online library, and it's all thanks to Rare for allowing Nintendo to get access to the licensing again for the Killer Instinct IP (because Microsoft still works with Rare, and the latest games in the series were on the Xbox One).
  • @werewolf74
    The super nintendo was not a lesser port. my friend discovered the Spinal ultra AT HOME before anyone knew it.
  • @JohnnyBNerdy
    I wasn't great on the arcade version of KI but I could destroy people on the console
  • @Tripp393
    SNES version > arcade version.
  • @nexornator
    More important than the arcade version? haha obsolutely not, back in the 90s KI was surprisingly converted to a SNES cartridge with obvious lots of tech limitations, at the same moment gamers in that time dreamed the day when are we will be able to play a perfect port of an arcade games, and not only for KI , for lots other games, SF II, MK , SNK games etc. SNES KI should just remain of what limited Silicon graphics look like in the 90s. I really don't care about Nintendo since I think they lost their spark decades ago, and right now they only sell lots of gaming devices on pure nostalgic gamers mindset exploitations and not because of true innovation like they used to be in the 90s, what Im trying to say not sure if the KI arcade version is available to purchase thru their Nintendo Store, and if not well then, that's just plain stupid by Nintendo.