BF2: MC Anti-Chopper Sniping Vol. 3

Third montage in my BF2: MC Anti-Chopper Sniping series. This time with music!! Thanks in advance to those who RATE and COMMENT. Enjoy...

コメント (21)
  • @PunteriVR
    this gives me so much memories ohhhh want to go back in time when i played like 500 hours of this game on ps2
  • Yeah I know...but this is one of the few artists/groups that you can use and YouTube won't get you for copyright infringement.
  • Yeah...I think some people complained to Microsoft and got the servers back up...
  • @chewgumbs247 Have you ever actually played BF2: MC?????
  • this guy is a better assassin than Jason Bourne thumbs up if you agree
  • @Chris070
    @mahnamesjeffyniggah It is not impossible, It is FUKKIN HARD
  • nice vid and nice skill me im shit with smiper im good with SMG and support
  • No, there are some montages out there featuring helo-sniping on PS2, you just have to practice...
  •'s called skill, though I'll admit a bit of luck went into some of the shots. And I DO sucks (- - - [FFAR] you). In my newer montages, there are some shots that I have to lead because of distance/speed. As far as I know there are no AimBots that can lead shots. Sorry, but you're wrong, go bother somebody else.
  • @Yrian96
    You are so good ppl think you cheat xD
  • @DaBomb31290 im pretty sure he is never played mc And it takes skilss to sniper them of
  • @DaBomb31290 not really skill when theres no bullet drop whatsoever kinda feels cheap if you ask me. it is an outdated game nontheless
  • Well there's no aim bot here so your information is not relevant.