Devils canyon in the San Gabriel mountains scary story.

Published 2017-10-29
Spooky story because I couldn't think of a funny one in the spirit of Halloween.
Blue collar back country-   • Video  

All Comments (9)
  • @SalineScott
    Tony is cool. Can’t wait to meet him one day. Wow. That was spooky.
  • Thank you Jonathan, that was a wierd experience to go through especially when y'all were out there alone. I bet it made it hard to sleep that night. Very cool and thanks for sharing it my friend. 3 more entries and best of luck 😆
  • @rgvkid250
    That's creepy bro! Especially the shove! Are you sure it said Hello, and not "Orale!"?
  • New sub sent over from Blue Collar Back Country. That was one weird experience, definitely a good Halloween tale. Not so good when living it though.
  • @CaHiker
    Dude when I did Devils Canyon I ran into a fellow female hiker and we went down together. We clearly heard voices like little girl voices near the larger rocks. I told here sometimes the running water makes noises that sound like humans. It was weird down there and had a strange vibe.
  • @MadCatMaddie
    It's been 6 yrs since u posted this video hopefully u'll respond. Last week a friend and I were at Cogwell Dam. We walked across the dam to the fire road to the east of the dam. We continued walking till we hit a dead end. As u look down from that dirt road you can see a creek running into the dam. It looks identical to the terrain u see at Bear Creek. Lots of sand on the banks of the creek with plenty of room to hike. I searched on all trails and that looks like the beginning or the end of Devil's Canyon. Do u have any info on that area of Devil's Canyon? Is it doable from that end? Thank you, and thx for the fabulous story. I've got one very similar from Black Star Canyon as well.