SteveWillDoIt Adopts 6ix9ine's Kid and Gifts His BM a Birkin Bag


コメント (21)
  • Suspect mad because he next to get exposed for being a deadbeat 😂
  • @Simple_tl
    They tried to get sus hairline in the thumbnail 😂
  • @MR_WANG187
    Cussing in front of the kid is weird and trash. All for clout.
  • @NANO-SP97
    Every time I hear Sharp talk now it just reminds me of the Point & Shoot impersonation 😂😭😭🤣
  • Stfu yall broke yall not giving a kid 25k 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  • @blkwolff
    When the little girl cried cuz she saw her mom cry…it just didn’t feel right, she didn’t know what was going on. Steve is wack as hell for farming content on them.
  • man leave the kids out of it specially if they autistic their emotions are different just leave it off camera
  • @Textxzz
    Adam 16 and the goofies crew 😂😂😂😂
  • I think the only reason why Steve did that is because 69 is doing its with other people's kids and given their kids everything while his daughter is struggling Steve is just showing look how easy it is to take care of your daughter you bum..💯💯
  • @LEFT4eV3r
    69 stole like 2 million dollars from Steve will do it..Steve will do it wants that get back man damn! Shit id be mad too my friend stole 2 million from me..At least Steve will do it helped the sara and the kids paying for education and money ▶️
  • What kinda weird shid! Dude a goofy chasing it! And shorty jus sitting around exposing her kids for handouts ? Wtf planet does this shid go on ?
  • @Classikh
    6ix9ine was doing the same thing with other rappers. Now the tables have turned 🤷🏽‍♂️
  • @deeznatas
    Funny how Sharp thinks this is bullshit but he just got called out for not paying child support for his own kids.
  • Suspect was just talking about blueface baby but now you mad about a rat kid? Gtfo I need a fade suspect
    Damn 69 BM a notorious Opp Hopper ain’t she 😂