Actor Danny Trejo involved in fight at Fourth of July parade in LA


コメント (21)
  • You forgot to mention he was punched first and then he hit back, then his frien with a bald head ran up and confronted the young man and he got smashed by the young man’s flying fists and fell over so Dani then kept fighting, you all make it sound like Dani started it, bad reporting I’m afraid, just goes to show the message people can get from Maine media even when they twist it
  • Funny how they neglect to mention Trejo was assaulted first,so this story isn't even about him being some toxic celebrity. It's really about him defending himself from some asshole
  • Headline is wrong. Should read, "Actor Danny Trejo Assulted at 4th of July Parade."
  • Throwing water balloons at special guests repeatedly, then swinging fists at an 80 yr old man. What kinda community and where is this at?
  • Your “eyewitness” wore that shirt for the interview?! 😂😂😂😂
  • Shout out to the good citizens in the comments who reported the story correctly. They know Danny Trejo didn’t start anything. Get your facts straight before you disparage people on television.
  • Eff this "report." We saw this right after it happened. You trying to down on Danny, a senior, is disgraceful and transparent.
  • Wow...racist reporting much? Someone forgot to include ALL or ANY of the details about Danny being assaulted and WHY he got out of the car to begin with. Not like the dude just stopped the car and went looking for a fight. Stop 'Making the NEWS' and start 'Reporting the TRUTH'.
  • They got the story all wrong.. some young punk disrespected Trejo by throwing water balloons and then Trejo went to say that he didn’t like it that punk assaulted Trejo and his buddy… a tough guy hitting 80 years olds… smh 🤦🏻
  • @cgpnc818
    F that guy swinging on Trejo. Hopefully the internet finds out who he is.
  • Be serious,you don't throw water Balloons at special guests. That is just a lame excuse. If it was a tradition he would've been warned ahead of time.
  • Your news is wrong!! He was hit in the head, with a water balloon 😢
  • @TerpnJohn
    Channel 7 obviously has a smear campaign for trejo he got upset over getting assaulted by a water ballom there is a difference between a water balloon fight and assaulting someone with a water balloon
  • What a Stupid thing to do 🙈I’ve Never heard about this crazy tradition before . Throwing water balloons at people or in somebody else’s car on Independence Day parade .
  • It appears that some young people act so very disrespectful and seem incensed when they are reprimanded! Where is the kindness and compassion for others? Why couldn't they smile and wave when a vehicle goes by in a parade? Water balloons should NEVER be thrown during a parade! Grow up ❤
  • No, Danny was attacked and called racial slurs. He was standing up for himself and other people with him. He was struck first, and his friend was injured. Get the real story! The person attacking Trejo was saying all kinds of hateful stuff.