Why Are Neanderthals Extinct?

Published 2019-04-20
Was it climate change? A failure to adapt? Competition from homo sapiens? Run out of marmite? All of the above?

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Papagianni, Dimitra. The Neanderthals Rediscovered. Thames & Hudson, 2015.

Peresani, M., et al. “Late Neandertals and the Intentional Removal of Feathers as Evidenced from Bird Bone Taphonomy at Fumane Cave 44 Ky B.P., Italy.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 108, no. 10, 2011, pp. 3888–3893., doi:10.1073/pnas.1016212108.

Pettitt, Paul. The Palaeolithic Origins of Human Burial. Routledge, 2011.

Rendu, W., et al. “Evidence Supporting an Intentional Neandertal Burial at La Chapelle-Aux-Saints.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 111, no. 1, 2013, pp. 81–86., doi:10.1073/pnas.1316780110.

Roberts, Alice. Evolution: The Human Story. Dk Pub, 2018.

Sankararaman, Sriram et al. “The genomic landscape of Neanderthal ancestry in present-day humans.” Nature vol. 507,7492 (2014): 354-7. doi:10.1038/nature12961

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J. Josh Snodgrass and William R. Leonard (2009) "Neandertal Energetics Revisited: Insights Into Population Dynamics and Life History Evolution." PaleoAnthropology 2009:220-237

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All Comments (21)
  • @StefanMilo
    Of course everything I said in the video is subject to radical change as more evidence comes forward. Do you think they're extinct? If so, which cause do you find the most plausible? Any you think I missed?
  • @lurking0death
    My uncle was a Neanderthal but he converted to orthodox Denisovan.
  • @JonPITBZN
    "The Neanderthal body type has disappeared." The difficulties I have buying a suit would beg to differ!
  • @kixigvak
    In the Soviet Union there was a persistent tale of a Neanderthal village on the far edge of the Gobi Desert. I know several journalists who went looking for it.
  • They're not extinct. They retired on their riches from a string of popular Geico commercials.
  • @asddsdsssd
    Stefan I gotta say man you've quickly become a favorite of mine. I hope these neanderthal videos keep coming, they've been the focus of my studies lately and your videos are very informative. Cheers!
  • @mpetersen6
    Neanderthals lived through numerous climate swings and in different environment so I doubt it was climate.
  • @MPLSprintmaking
    Really happy to have discovered your channel! Thanks Stefan 🤘🏻
  • Who said they went extinct? I see one in the mirror every now & then.
  • @Fomites
    Your videos are get better and better (and they were good to begin with). Fantastic stuff. You contribute to public education in a very good way. Thanks!
  • @bengibbs6933
    I really liked your series on Neanderthals! As a New Zealander of European descent who loves rugby, hunting and fishing, I some how feel strangely connected to our lost cousins...
  • @josephjude1290
    Great video and the knowledge obtained from it was appreciated!
  • Another great video. I'm binging on them. You do a fantastic job explaining all this.
  • @ScottStratton
    Fantastic video! Most interesting and learned more new material about the Neanderthals than I have in a while. The 4000 calorie fact was a real shock and seems to me it must have played a role. That is a LOT of food if you are hunting it or gathering it every day. Especially if under other pressures and not able to adapt quickly to other food forces. Well done! ... Except shaving the stache off ... ;-).
  • @rodri_merli27
    I find it amazing that this channel isn't so well known yet. He should have at least 10x more subs than he has now. I'll be sharing and showing everybody, by the end of the year this man deserves to be verified already.