Is "House Of Leaves" The Scariest Novel Ever?

Published 2016-11-18
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski is a novel unlike any other. Here's a spoiler-free rundown of what to expect if you read it.

All Comments (21)
  • @cashews224
    I read this book during my year in jail. After chapter three on the first night I knew I had to take my time. I didn't read over a chapter a night and I made notes and graph-references on the footnotes. Three other people started reading it because they saw that it was all I did. I would sleep through meals and stay up at night making notes, probably looking like I should be at Eastern State (a mental facility about a half hour away from the house). We made schedules on who read it when and shared and compared notes. By the end of it for me, three weeks later, two of them dropped out because it was too frightening and hard to read. The other guy, Alex, read it pretty fast and was just as enthusiastic about it as I was. We are both from Virginia, about a 25 minute drive from where the house is located, in Smithfield. To this day no other book can compare to this one it really helped me get through the bad times in jail and transported me to another place. I've recommended it to over three dozen people since I was released in May and no one has even started. Its a shame, really, because this book deserves a lot more attention. 10/10, wouldn't read it again; I would study it meticulously.
  • @finpin2622
    "Seriously, take your time!"
    Me, who's been reading this book for about 6 months and is not even halfway through it: I don't think I have a choice....
  • @kaitling6527
    as an extreme book lover, when he said books are boring I died a little inside.
  • @stivklif
    books aren't boring, but reading isn't easy: it requires concentration and imagination and not everyone has those things
  • @Slappap
    "when the last time you read a book?"
    bedroom is literally a library
  • @Michael-fi8nm
    This book is literally the only piece of literature that scared me, made me laugh, made me cry and me question everything about myself at the same time. Brilliant in every sense of the word.
  • I've been reading this book for 10 years and still haven't reached the end. It's like there are more pages every time I open it...
  • @jordand9037
    I went to get this book, and the guy knew exactly what and where it was. This was a book guy. He hands it to me and says "hardest book you'll ever read, not just because it's a difficult read, but because it'll haunt you man, that's said it'll also be the best reading experience of your life if you can get through it." Terrifying. Btw, this book is MASSIVE. WAY BIGGER AND THICKER THAN YOU THOUGHT, granted, some pages are basically blank, but still.. I am scared and intimidated by this beast. Wish me luck.
  • @RachelKe
    I'm both extremely excited and terrified to read this
  • @MsWriteword
    You could sell snow shovels in June. Grabs the viewer in the first ten seconds and never turns loose. Great job!
  • I heard somewhere that the writer originally just made a hundred copies at a Kinkos and handed them out to Hollywood friends (his sister was the lead singer of the band Poe.) before it was published, and that someone actually found a copy of this just printed out loose, no cover or anything, at a bus stop in LA, in a Kinkos box. Imagine that mindf-ck...
  • @infinition
    Yesterday, I was talking to my son about books we've read in the past. I couldn't help but tell him about this one. I grabbed it from my shelf and handed it to him. The next day, having never before entered this title into a search bar, this video is recommended to me. My phone must be listening to me. As usual.
  • One thing you forgot to mention, you cannot read this book under the covers. I have a theory that Danieleweski gave it the, uh, third-dimensional page turning/backtracking aspect just to prevent one from being able to hide from the monsters under their beds while reading it.
  • @RangerBadger
    Watched the first thirty seconds. Paused the video. Ordered House Of Leaves off Amazon.
  • @LaLaLonna
    a well written book is not bland or boring. it allows you to completely go into another world. it consumes you and takes you into the story so wholly its like a leaving this world for a bit and escaping. its magical. I LOVE reading.
  • "don't even try to look for an audio version" -- spoken as I was in the process of searching for audio
  • @MK.5198
    Ah man. You really do a fantastic job of summing up the book without spoiling anything major. I'm gonna have to show this to my friends and see if this will finally convince them to go find a copy somewhere.
  • @VVDCS
    This goddamn pile of paper made me afraid of the dark at almost 30 years old. I absolutely adore this goddamn pile of paper.
  • @chococigs
    "Read it all in a day or two..."
    I seriously applaud anybody who is able to read that in 2 days :D I did it over the course of 3 months, slowly going insane