Am I The Problem??? | Road to Title | Holy Paladin

Published 2024-05-17

All Comments (13)
  • @SilentKME
    I love these videos. You seem like such a nice guy. The commentary is nice to throw on while I'm playing WoW, lol.
  • @MrCurja
    If you can't survive the pull then don't pull that much! Great advice ! Love the videos!
  • Get your crit up mate, i run nearly 60% crit and 40% haste. Makes every holy shock not feel powerful but as if its actually doing something and ofcourse this will reduce your holy prism cooldown etc. Etc. Crit is godly.
  • @tonygraziano2459
    What makes me sad about the current state of holy paladin is that we've kind of lost our damage dealing identity. The fact that you could basically only get consecrates out for that halls boss and the rest of your time is spent healing while all the other healers for the most part can be pretty active on both meters is frustrating. The amount of work HPALS have to do to accomplish anything in comparison to every other healing toon is disappointing.
  • @bronzleaguehiro
    they should handle him like monk, correct me if i am wrong here, give him a caster version in the tree and a melee version in the tree via. talents so people can decide how they like to play him.
  • @arcadebit1551
    The helm enchant scales with iLevel. On the 3rd boss in HoI you dodge the circles very inefficient. You often run out, then jump another 7 yards, just to run all the way back again. If you positions correctly after hide, you only have to run once and just a few steps also.
  • @TheRabbit68
    Do you get any loot related or crest type of rewards from the Dark Heart quests?
  • @RinaaaYa
    There's a lot going on with Hpal. It has been since late S2 overnerfs. The cracks on the spec start to show somewhere after the 13-14 key range. Virtue right now is insane for the current dungeon pool but as Hpal its the only healer who realistically has mana issues, you have to be careful.
  • @awheikkila
    Had a question about mouse movement. Obviously, you are using mouse over macros or clicking with clique/vuhdo. I notice that you frequently move your mouse off of health bars up to middle of screen and back to health bars rapidly. Is that intentional, or just a habit?
  • @davidschutz693
    In raid you Heal way more with bov but of you Play normal bacon put it on 2 Range dps. Will double the bacon heal and you heal ranges more.
  • @Lightdark1992
    if the tank doesnt get there in time and he doesnt melee u, and he cant melee anyone else either, he does a big ass aoe, one shotting everyone instead:D so its better if he melees one guy than aoe wipes out everyone:D either way, thats a tank problem:D
  • @scurrx
    4:00 im still mad about the fact we cannot roll on vakash even tho its our best weapon since season 3 lmao