Inside the Royal Burial Vaults in Westminster Abbey

Published 2023-02-25
#royalfuneral #royalfuneral #burialvault #westminsterabbey #funerals #burials #kings #queens #britishhistory

Where are British kings buried? Well in truth you would be hard-pushed to know - most of the sovereigns from James I to George II are buried in Henry VII's chapel in Westminster Abbey, but not one of them has a proper monument. If you look carefully you will find their names inscribed on the floor above the burial vaults where they are interred, but those names were only added in the 1860s before that time their graves were unmarked. In this video, using contemporary visual evidence, I explore the two primary vaults in Henry VII's chapel, what they look like, the coffins within and who is buried within.

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All Comments (21)
  • @stepps511
    I wish I'd have know all of this when I was at Westminster several years ago. All the more reason for a return visit! Thank you for this wonderful video!
  • Fascinating insights yet again Allan. So much has changed in burial practices over the years. It seems almost unimaginable that you could have unmarked graves of kings and queens that was only rectified by the efforts of a historian clergyman in the 1860s! How moving that George II wanted his and his wife's remains to be united in death. Thanks again. It's wonderful to see your subscriber numbers growing too. A real community!
  • @ffvvaacc
    So sad, all the tiny coffins of the little babies and children who died. 🙏
  • Coincidentally I commented in your Dutch royal vaults video last week that I was fascinated with British royal vaults. So this is a pleasant surprise indeed
  • It's quite amazing how simple the tombs of the later Stuarts and early Hanoverians have been. They are quite unnoticed along with Edward VI and James I.
  • @vespasian606
    It always sticks in my throat that Mary and Elizabeth share a tomb. It insults them both. Mary wanted to be buried with her mother Catherine at Peterborough.
  • Once again, thank you for introducing me to something new. I knew about the Stuarts and the tomb of George III and his sons; but I had blithely assumed that George II, like George I, had been buried in Hanover. Rather sad, though, that he is simply marked with a small paver providing his regnal name and year of death.
  • @frippp66
    'Golden lads and girls all must, As chimney-sweepers, come to dust'
  • As always, thank you! Outstanding content, wonderfully presented, not to be found anywhere else. Thoroughly engaging!
  • @kate_cooper
    It may seem unimportant, but I’m pleased to finally hear someone pronounce the name “Sophia” correctly.
  • @OdeInWessex
    The number of children's coffins in there are heart breaking, regardless of whose children they were.
  • The coffin of King Charles II, which was heavily decorated, because of course it was...mind you, I also find the sentiment of King George II very romantic! It's a beautiful idea that, just as they were reunited in the next world, so their human remains should be forever together also.
  • their dust mingling..i found that idea somewhat romantic as well, and said to myself, awww 🥰🤭
  • @Lisette777
    i find myself endlessly fascinated by the royal crypts, lol! I don't know why. Judging by all the comments, I am not alone! Thanks again for another interesting video!
  • Absolutely fascinating video Allan- thank you. Your videos just get better and better 🙂
  • Another great piece Dr.Barton you never disappoint you give interesting info and details endpoint hitting the marks every time thank you
  • @kiernan415
    Just found your channel, subscribed and sent small donation. Looking forward watching the rest of your content because this is fascinating! As a kid, going to Westminster Abbey, I always figured the remains were entombed in these grand monuments themselves or buried in dirt immediately under the floor in cases of plaques. Only found out in adulthood that wasn't the case and that they are in a "basement" vault. Since no pictures or renderings are widely circulated, I imagined these vaults looked something like the catacombs of ancient Rome, but wrong again!! Nice to finally find out what is actually going on down there. Thanks! One thing though... There are clearly Queens who are monarchs in their own right contained in this video, so why only mention and tag "kings"? Poor Mary & Anne are so often passed over in the telling of history. It seems kind of wrong (and inaccurate) to continue to exclude them like this.
  • Fascinating to think that this family was not given identification via the floor engraving until the late 1800s. You have so much available content for more videos that I’m just dying for! Thank you so much. ❤
  • @pontmercy8
    I love your content! Just purchased a subscription to your magazine!