Therewolf Media - "Teams of Tomorrow" | Team Chaotix VS Team Rocket

Published 2024-03-29
Therewolf Media VS commission track for LuminousPride. This custom Death Battle-style score features inspiration from Team Chaotix VS Team Rocket (Sonic VS Pokémon).

–Music by Aaron Caruthers
–Album art by Tyrannii
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All Comments (21)
  • Hello Everyone Happy Easter and I commissioned this one Firstly I want wish Aaron and Brandon all the best with the news of Rooster Teeth, you guys are super talented and put in so much work to your tracks. Speaking of thank you Aaron for accepting my MU and cooking a fire track, and Tyrannii for the Art, the artists deserve a shout out too. 🙏 I don't have a super complex reason for this MU the idea just randomly popped into my head, I thought it was cool and here we are haha. 😅 I can see the battle scenario as Team Rocket discovering either the chao/flickies/coco as rare Pokemon and steal them. Which then leads to the Chaotix investigating the disserpearences and finding team Rocket who think the Chaotix are even more rare Pokemon that can talk.  They bring out a Giant robot with the Chaotix being no strangers to fighting big machines. I highly recommend giving the IDW comics a read as they did the Chaotix right and the comics themselves are a lot of fun. 👌 Anyway thank you again Aaron and Tyrannii, I hope to do more commissions in the future, have a good easter everyone 😊🐣
  • @grimgamer0527
    This fight would be funny as hell Jessie: "We have our own introduction!" James: "Where's yours? Do you not have one?" Meowth: "Yer lame if ya don't!" Vector: "Of course we do!" Charmy: "We do?" Espio: "It doesn't matter"
  • @josephsharp6221
    The fight can start with Team Chaotix investigating a stolen Pokémon case, and they discover it’s Team Rocket
  • @Neppedupplayer
    They probably think that Espio, Charmy, and Vector are pokemon.
  • Jesse: Listen! Is that another song I hear? James: It's singing to me loud and clear. Jesse: Floating on the wind! James: Past the stars! Meowth: IN YOUR EAR! Jesse: Bringing chaos at a break neck pace. James: Dashing hope, putting fear in it's place! Jesse: A rose by any other names, just as sweet. James: When everything is worse our work is complete! Jesse: Jesse~ James: And it's James~ Meowth: Meowth! Now that's a name! Jesse: Putting the do-gooders in their place! James: Team Rocket! Meowth: We're in your face! Wabbuffet: Waaaabbuffet! Mime jr: mime mime!
  • @TKG785
    I can see the fight starting off with Team Chaotix performing at a concert for some extra dough. They go to count their earnings and find it empty. Much to Vector's anger. As they wonder who stole it, three lights shine on the stage, as Team Rocket delivers their iconic motto. Before they can escape on the Meowth blimp, it's shot down by Team Chaotix. Team Rocket falls to the ground, and the real fight begins.
    Wiz: Jessie, James & Meowth: The infamous Team Rocket. Boomstick: Vector, Espio & Charmy: The detective trio of Team Chaotix. Wiz: Sometimes all you need to solve a problem is a group of 3 individuals. Boomstick: But unlike the Ed's (Ed, Edd & Eddy) & The Three Stooges, these 2 trios are not idiotic... Well, at least not completely. He's Wiz & I'm Boomstick. Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor & skills to find out who will win a Death Battle!
  • @goncalosilva4341
    We got two Pokemon scores today, one is an Evee battle royale and the other is Team Rocket fighting the Chaotix from Sonic
  • @degocraft9525
    I cant stop thinking know about either one or both teams replicating that "WE'LL USE THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP" rocket league meme
  • @degocraft9525
    Ayo ,2 Pokemon themed battle tracks this day, coincidence? I think NOT!
  • @starmaneli7711
    Yoooooo another Team Rocket MU! And its against Team Chaotix as well, this ones gonna be hype
  • I legitimately don't know who would win. Vector, Espio, and Charmy have strength and speed feats, perhaps even greater durability feats, but Team Rocket clearly have some form of Toon Force, with how often they get away with their disguises (which wouldn't fool Vector, but the point stands) and how often they are exploded by forces that would and should kill them... You'd think it'd be a cinch for Team Chaotix, but I don't know if they have a way to actually permanently kill Team Rocket with toon force shenanigans. Team Chaotixs wins in all categories except maybe durability. They have more skill, have experience in taking down oversized mechanical robots, and have proof showing they'd be able to see past the disguises as shown in Sonic Heroes ending. It'd be just another mission basically. The problem is the Toon Force Team Rocket has. Able to build giant mechs from nothing with nothing, digging miles long holes like its nothing, surviving being exploded just about every day... I don't know if they can kill them.
  • @WyManiac13
    Was. Not. Expecting. This. At. All. By a long shot
  • Now this track sounds more serious than I was expecting but both teams can do nearly anything when they really put their minds to it so a serious track is fitting.
  • @DragoSonicMile
    Growly jumps in out of nowhere and gets caught in one of the Chaotix' attacks. James starts crying only to turn into unyielding rage. Jessie and Meowth back up in fear as James proceeds to wreck the Mobians collective s**t.
  • @spicyramen994
    Thought of this idea a long time ago and thought about commissioning myself eventually but I’m glad someone else also thought of it! Very great song!
  • @machtenverl5916
    Gotta say therewolf, you're just full of surprises with these tracks. Not only was I not expecting this, but also how much of a BANGER this is🤟🤟
  • @quilavalover8232
    Id imagine the climax being Team Rocket just getting into the Bewear Outfit and being a rather big issue at that time for Team Chaotix, but despite that, Charmy is able to distract the Mech long enough to lure it to Vector & Espio who begin to Rock Out, one of their Super Moves from Sonic Heroes, with Charms screeching with them, it irritates the Mechs Pilot long wnough for the Three to get a Heavy Blow that Causes the Mech to Shatter...revealing that seemingly only Meowth was inside, and hes very tired. As Team Chaotix gets closer to finish off the Feline, they are called out to by Jessie & James, who have Almost all their Pokemon out, And without warning, the 10 Pokemon they have launch their Strongest Attack, referencing their combined strength attack, which Team Chaotix appear to Dodge, as the Attack heads towards Meowth...who ducks behind none other than Wobbuffet, who Immediately attempts to Counter. Espio & Vector notice this, and try to launch an Attack to further pverwhelm Wobbuffet, only for their Visions to get fuzzy and their bodies to Teeter, Mime Jr. Was the Third Pilot, and was using Teeter Dance! Team Chaotix can only Dance in horror as Wobbuffet successfully Reflects the Attack at DOUBLE Power straight through them, Eliminating Team Chaotix, and giving the Flickies no escape from Team Rocket, the Winners of the Battle. I see them as the Winner due to Sheer Diversity, Durability, Speed, and Potential Attack Potency. Wobbuffet can not only react to, but Reflect a Stab Super Effective Shadow Ball from a Giratina, and its not the only legendary its managed to protect itself from! The Rocket Trio also just unimaginable amount of Stamina...until they blast off, they just...dont...stop...theyd easily be able to tire out Team Chaotix long enough for them to devise a Trap.