UCLA Martial Arts - Hapkido w/ Katy O'Brian

Hapkido, "The way of coordinated power," is an eclectic and adaptive Korean martial art that implements joint locks, throws, strikes, and weapons (knife, cane, stick, and hanbo). Students will learn defense maneuvers, blocking, strikes and kicks, joint manipulation, throws, submission and compliance techniques, off-balancing techniques, and basic knife, stick, cane, and hanbo strikes and defenses along with close-range firearm defense as well as the traditional etiquette and discipline of Hapkido.

Instructor - Katy O'Brian is a Hapkido black belt through the US Hapkido Federation and Indiana University. She started her martial arts journey at a young age at Master Herb Johnson's Shorei Goju Ryu Karate school and continued her martial arts interest and education at Indiana University with courses in Jeet Kune Do philosophy, Kali and Escrima, and novice Capoeira Angola and BJJ. While at Indiana University, Katy was an instructor for Hapkido club and on and off campus self-defense classes. In 2009, Katy attended the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy and was employed as a police officer for the past seven years, prior to moving to Los Angeles.

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