Learn Basic Web Development - Playing With HTML & CSS 1

Code Pen: codepen.io/StraightToWeb/pen/LWrRya

Learn the basics of HTML and CSS web development in my first ever tutorial video! Let me know what you liked and disliked from this first video. I'm listening and am sure we will only improve with time and feedback. :)

Comment with questions or ideas, like the video, and subscribe!

TWITTER: twitter.com/straighttoweb
WEBSITE: Coming Soon

*At Straight To Web, you will learn web development on customized pathways, while being able to live chat professionals at any time for help. I'm certain that you will love this as soon as we launch!*

コメント (7)
  • @AlexCio
    Great tutorial, found you through reddit! You're speaking clearly, not repeating, all like it should be. Kind of pro for the first video! I just started to give private tutoring on html and css some weeks ago. I should have started it even earlier! :)
  • New subscriber also from Reddit! You are a natural speaker. Keep up the good work.
  • @hixann
    New one here from Reddit, you're amazing! keep it up. It'd be better to add a caption to ur vids, I'll try to help.