#1 - Rock-Bottom-Perspectives | 50 Week Challenge

Published 2021-02-12
Yes this is cringey content, but that's not the point.

12th February 2021 marked the day where, statistically speaking, I had just passed 30% of my life expectancy.

Thanks to the pandemic, my life has become increasingly monotone and stagnant as of late. I haven't met new people in months; I haven't traveled to new countries in over a year, and honestly, I'm starting to feel like I 'lost' a year of my life.

This project is an attempt to break that grey-scaled routine with a little bit of colourful anxiety. In a nutshell, my plan is to create 50 videos over the course of the next 52 weeks, with the hope of gradually developing a stronger, and more confident understanding of video-based content.

This channel will serve as the space in which I can potentially document that said process, whilst openly challenging the fact that it's okay to publicly 'fail forward'.

Video #1 is rough, unscripted, unplanned and practically unedited. Things look pretty comfortable at rock bottom.

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