DO YOU HAVE A FIBROID STORY? ( Black Women Campaign for Fibroid Awareness 2019 )

Published 2019-10-22
DO YOU HAVE A FIBROID STORY? ( Black Women Campaign for Fibroid Awareness 2019 )

In recent years, I’ve spoken to numerous women who have shared their fibroid stories one of these women is Jessica Nabongo (@thecatchmeifyoucan ). We shared our stories together in hopes of creating " A world where no woman is in the dark about fibroids".

What is it like finding out about fibroids a little too late? What are some fibroid symptoms? Did you know fibroid awareness at an early stage can change your life? Statistics show in 2017 there were 92.2 million reported cases of fibroids in women aged 15 years and above, that number is expected to increase to 102.7 million prevalent cases in 2026. Black women are 3 to 5 times more likely to develop fibroids than white women. What is the way forward to reducing these projected numbers and increase early detection?


This video is a campaign for fibroid awareness, fibroid awareness is a CAUSE, fibroid awareness is a MOVEMENT that I would like to see all black women pick up and run wild with it. A mother, sister, aunt, niece, and daughter can be exempted from being in the dark about fibroids and this starts with sharing your personal fibroid story.

Are you a black woman, of African descent, and do you have a fibroid story? Here are a few things you can do;

- Get Screened for Fibroids

- Share "YOUR FIBROID STORY" with the world use the hashtags
#MyFibroidStory #NanaKonamah

- Encourage other women to do the same

- Join our facebook group, support the cause and meet like-minded women who also support the Fibroid Awareness Campaign

This is only the beginning.....
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   • DO YOU HAVE A FIBROID STORY? ( Black ...  

All Comments (10)
  • @nanakonamah4946
    In recent years, I’ve spoken to numerous women who have shared their fibroid stories one of these women is Jessica Nabongo (@thecatchmeifyoucan ). We shared our stories together in hopes of creating " A world where no woman is in the dark about fibroids". #MyFibroidStory #NanaKonamah
  • @AishaAjona
    This is amazing content, thank you so much for taking the time to share our everyday stories through this campaign for Fibroids awareness, this is necessary and it starts by us speaking, and no longer suffering in silence . ✨🙏🏿
  • Our diet has a lot to do with it we need to campaign about eating right , less red meat, less chicken and more veggie n fish...train our young girls to eat right n let them be aware also
  • I have fibroids and suppose to do surgery in mom had it and did surgery and also my sister.
  • Thank you so, so much for this documentary and conversation. I really love the challenge and think it will get us moving towards helpful solutions and relief. Thanks you for sharing your heartfelt story. I pray for continued relief and lasting solutions for you. We shall overcome this! 💜💜💜
  • Thank you so much for this conversation...I'm thinking we need more of these; including education and research about this issue. I'm a 26 year old girl from Sierra Leone, and I've just been diagnosed with Fibroids. I'm moved to help educate, start conversations and sponsor women to get checked!! Thank you for this💗
  • Nana thanks for video. I have a story too but back here in Ghana, what I can say is we not doing routine pelvic checks is one major issue. Fibroids, cysts, endometriosis etc are some of the female reproductive health issues many African women suffer from but much awareness isn't focused on these. I wish we could talk
  • @Tendai_Nimat
    Thank you so much for sharing your stories and spreading awareness about fibroids. I’ve learnt so much.
  • @tahliah6691
    Afro women need to be exploring the cause.... what is the cause... I always thought it was due to stress not just mental stress but physical stress on the body over time🤷‍♀️???? Too many women are suffering from this ....I know that in the Caribbean herbs are used to treat severe period pains and that also act as blood cleansers..... fibroids will cause anaemia.... as it’s excessive bleeding... it’s not just black women many women suffer in silence....they only have figures in the ones they treat.....I don’t believe that most black women suffer from fibroids because the black population is on the increase where as the white population is on a decline....due to infertility.....ask to see your results and reports on your diagnosed conditions....what are women putting in their bodies on their heads eg I have heard that the relaxers wigs and are weaves contain chemicals that seep into our bodies....🤔 but what is the cause????? We need to be teaching our children and each other to know our bodies before we get to a doctor... we are neglecting to have a knowledge of our bodies....or a relationship with our bodies....