How to breed Rare Schmoochle (Air Island)

Published 2023-01-08
FriendCode: 4000156155KB

How to get schmoochle: (1:00)

All Comments (7)
  • I was trying to breed regular smoochle by lvl 10 riff and tweedle and got a time by 1d 12h 15m and 32 diamonds to speed up and I was freaked by that time is that a rare one or just a rare riff? Edit:I sped it up and GOT A RARE SMOOCHLE Edit 2:got rare Ghazt on plant island :o
  • @SidesIsangy
    I was trying to breed smoochle but I got a rare one
  • Well I think I got the same or is it just a normal? I already have a normal but I do want another last time with my lv 10 riff + lv 4 tweedle by 1d4h but now with my level 10 risk and level 10 tweedle One day and 12 hours
  • @TTBsanctus
    I have been doing quibble and riff the whole time….