Kenshi Bosses Episode 30: Great Desert Nobles

Published 2022-01-12
It's finally time to take on the heart of the United Cities, the Great Desert. And maybe a little extra fight for the fun of it. ;)

0:00 Lord Inaba
9:52 Lord Nagata
20:57 Lady Kana
26:04 Lady Sanda
3:54 Slave Master Haga
36:19 Slave Master Wada
41:10 Bonus Fight

As a reminder, here are my self imposed rules for this series.
1. No stealth or crossbow cheesing. All bosses will be tackled in an upfront fight, usually starting at the gates of whatever outpost they live at.
2. The boss is the target, I do not need to wipe everyone out to "win". But I will also not leave until the fighting is over, unless it is in pursuit of the boss in the scenario that they leave during the fight.
3. No reloading the save unless I fail, failure is considered dying or going recovery coma. Being KO'd is not failing. If I fail, I will upload it anyway, repeated attempts will be marked as such in their titles.

Music is from the Kenshi Original Soundtrack, used with permission of the devs and composer. The soundtrack is available here:…

Mods are listed below:
256 Recruitment Limit
Advanced Tools - Peasant Weaponry
Animation Overhaul Mod - Crafting
Attack Slots x3
BDC Reimagined
Beak things renamed to Gutters
Burial Site
Bury Your Treasure!
Cannibal gore weapons
Cheat Backpacks - (Custom mod, not available. Adds some backpacks with insane size and weight reduction, I use for moving bases without making hundreds of trips.)
Cozy Furniture
Craftable Ration Packs
Dangerous Hazards
Darker Nights
Dialogue Expansion Project
Distant Towns
Edgecrafting - Custom mod, not available. Makes old tiers of weapons craftable, and all the remaining vanilla ones, at the cost of a bunch of AI cores.
Esata/Seto Fix
Expanded Lighting
Extended Campsite
Fake Gate - (Custom mod, not available. Adds an invisible gate with no collision so that I can customize where base raids stop at to give their speech.)
Fixing Clipping Issues
Flies Are Muted
Forgotten Buildings
Hydroponics Plus
Immersive Furniture
Less Foliage Collision
Leviathan Pet - (Custom mod, not available. Disables hunger for my pet Levi, and makes me able to pick him up.)
Lights for Dark Nights
Lore Books Expansion
Meitou Recolour: Dust Gold
Metal Fencing
Minor Faction Pacifiers
Minor Mesh Fixes
more building(Bridge only)
More Plastic Surgeons
Nice Map [Zones + Zone names + Roads]
Non-Lethal Fighting Styles
Non-Snapping Walls
No Raids for Small Bases
Outland Coin Purses
Racial Diversity
Scarier Security Spiders
SCAR's Pathfinding FIX
Shek Bandits Reimagined
Shek's Uniform Reimagined
Shelf Storage
Shidan's Tweaks and Fixes
Skeleton MkI Chest Clipping Patch
Thief Backpack new color - (Custom mod, not available. Makes my backpack invisible because I think it's ugly.)
Unleash the Hair