5 things I hate about anorexia - a personal take

Published 2017-12-10
One of my YouTube subscribers asked me to talk about the things I most hated about anorexia. It's an illness that I've lived with, as a symptom of PTSD, for an incredibly long time though I'm hopeful that I'm making really positive steps towards meaningful recovery now. I found this video hard to make. Really hard.. so I hope in your watching of and responding to it you'll be kind.

It's just my story so please don't think this generalises across to anyone who's ever suffered with anorexia - though I hope it will perhaps give you a glimpse into the many ways it impacts on life. And if you're currently struggling with an eating disorder, I hope this is in some way helpful - either to help you think about what are the bits about your illness that you hate and that might motivate you to change, and perhaps to inspire you on the recovery journey. I'm just a few steps in, and they've been big and scary steps... but I'm doing it... so perhaps you can too?..

Normal service will be resumed tomorrow when I'll be back to a blend of information and advice with my professional hat on.

Here's a link to the poem I mention: pookypoetry.wordpress.com/2015/08/05/grand-master-…


I hope you find this video helpful. Please take a moment to leave a comment about what you did and didn't like or sharing your own ideas or experiences.

Please also to let me know what other topics you'd like me to tackle in future videos and subscribe to be kept up to date with new videos as they’re published.

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All Comments (21)
  • @thekingsmissy
    Hi Pooky. I am a teacher who met you a few years ago during a training session. This video will really help me understand youngsters in my classroom more. Your thoughts, strength and honesty are truly inspirational and your goal of helping others is being achieved. Thanks
  • @terryculkin596
    Better late than never, I’m checking out your anorexia videos to help me know things. This is excellent, hard I see but really excellent and so full of the honesty and openness that has come to define you so much. You have fought a hard battle and are on the winning side along with all your family and friends, both real and virtual but of course the war is not over, stay strong and keep your lovely healthy weight. Thank you again for the way you inspire and teach; hard video to make and not easy to watch but it teaches. Take care
  • @haradmay
    You make me wish I could get better. I'm in awe of you, always have been, always will be <3
  • @lisasosin9683
    Thank you Pookie, I am most grateful for your transparency. I believe that our wounds and uniqueness are the aperture by which we truly connect with others and promote healing. You are a remarkable human!
  • Thank you for this video, I needed to watch this as Anorexia is sitting on my shoulder telling me how it is a helpful a coping mechanism for Life. I, too, have recently been diagnosed as being on the Autistic Spectrum and without support because of NHS shortages and scarcities, I am struggling. Thank you for the reality check and Light.
  • @37napa
    I just discovered your channel. You are so well spoken and the videos cover topics that hit close to home. Thank you for this content. Subscribed.
  • @MazHappy
    Wow. This was breathtaking. Thank you for your honesty and for being willing to share your vulnerability. What an amazing thing you've done. x
  • @EllenJones
    This is a very honest post & imagine I am doing the virtual equivalent of a hug/pat on the head/however you like to receive appreciation. I think the thing I hate most about the ways my brain is bad is the fact it often isn't noticeable, and the fact I can't articulate that to anyone because that is how I end up getting really bad without anyone noticing, which if nothing else is dangerous. Also I tend to lash out at people (autism + mood disorder + teenage hormones= a bit of a mess) because I don't really know what is going wrong with me which is never pleasant for either party. But I think the thing I hate the absolute most is the fact that I don't remember what it was like to not be like this. I've been self-harming and having depressive episodes and panic attacks at least since I was 14, probably longer, it's permeated most of my adolescence and that is hard because (okay, yes, the bipolar isn't going to go) but it's hard to imagine not having destructive coping mechanisms you have relied upon since you can remember.
  • @fitkiwi1970
    Thank you for sharing your story Pooky. I've been following you on Twitter for a while now but only just found your channel. Sending strength and love xxx
  • Thanks so much for deciding to share this. I love your honesty and bravery. I hope you are super proud of yourself, you should be. Like you, I am in recovery from an ED having spent the past ten years, on and off, trying to weaken its grip. I also have two kids, boys who are seven and four, and I worry every day about the lasting impact my mental health issues does/will have on them. The thing I hate the most is feeling like I am living a double life, trying my hardest to get out and enjoy time with friends and family while always fighting the urge to run home and lock the door because I am so anxious and all consumed with thoughts of food and the stress of someone trying to make me eat. You are so right when you say everyday you set your 'game plan' when gripped by an ED. I plan out weeks in advance, how/when I can avoid a certain event or situation. I look forward to a time when I can be free of this and truly live each moment as it is.
  • @lizm9863
    Thank you for sharing ♥ I'm glad I understand some more xx
  • @kevinmoyles5424
    Thank you so much for making this, Pooky. I'm so grateful to you for sharing. You are such a terrific person and I'm in awe of your strength that you required to make this. I really hope you are well in your world now and in the future. Thanks again.
  • Well done, this is so brave to post. I'm so glad that you're finding hope, sending you my encouragement and support. X
  • @eileenmoss3029
    Thank you for sharing, Pooky. A real insight into what it can be like to have this awful problem. I admire the way you battle on and use your experience to help others. It gives real purpose to your life (as well as your children and husband of course. They give real purpose too!)
  • Dear Pooky, It’s very generous of you to share your experience with the public. I appreciate your transparency. I’ve very painful memories of an anorexic person who sadly lost her life due to her anorexia without talking about it and without being able to fight against the strong dislike of food even during her honeymoon with the man she fell in love with. Please do a lot of positive thought exercises to improve your relationship with food. I've found your videos very useful and I’m benefiting from them all! Thank you ever so much for your time, thoughts and good will. Take a good care of yourself! We all need your input to increase our understanding of how it feels certain things the most precious sensitive people feel like yourself. Kindest regards, Firdevs Dede
  • @harriet9632
    This was a very brave thing for you to post, so good on you for doing it! It is really helpful to hear others experiences with EDs, so thanks for sharing. And well done for maintaining the healthy weight, a massive achievement.