Russia-Ukraine war: Moscow uses hypersonic missiles

Published 2022-03-19

All Comments (21)
  • @hisholiness1123
    $400 million worth of Western supplied weaponry destroyed in a single Russian strike on the military base near Lvov — radio intercepted comms suggest that 267 foreign mercenaries have been killed in the strike. 50-year-old Peter from Austria who fought alongside the “international legion of Ukraine” said that 800 to 1000 foreign mercenaries were present during the strike. Around 400 mercenaries were evacuated to Poland, many of whom have suffered severe burns & torn limbs from the Kalibr strike. There’s a high number of missing individuals still under the rubble which includes a high number of Americans, Poles and Romanians. Former NATO officers are Among the dead.
  • @gm2655
    Zelensky using green reality he is in Florida USA
  • @iluvanielle
    "We were told every day that our armies were scoring spectacular victories over the Soviets, but we knew it was a lie because those victories kept getting closer to Berlin." -sounds familiar?
  • @KayJay940
    Reality comes at you fast when it travels at 10x the speed of sound.
  • @LastEmperor86
    Zelensky has made more speeches than Winston Churchill and Fidel Castro combined
  • Zelensky is fake, look the picture behind him, it is fake, he is already in Poland at US embassy!!!!
  • @mgulled7974
    Testing new weapons in Ukraine the way Americans test new weapons in Middle East
  • @gabriel2v20
    4:00 that video looks very odd, is he using a green screen? To me looks like it
  • @seifu2633
    The comedian simply talking, crying, made in US
  • @The0ldg0at
    Some friendly countries of Ukraine wanted to give them their old soviet eta S-300 antimissile systems to defend against the old missiles Russia was using on western Ukraine targets. My guess is Russia wants to remind them that they have also brand new missiles that make the S-300 obsolete.
  • @nightsage217
    the weapons lethality will increase with passing time...
  • Finally a news broadcast that is not using adjectives like "unprovoked!", "deliberate", "ruthless", instead, reporting the facts. Thank you!
  • @MidniteSan
    "Imagine a king who fights his own battles, wouldn't that be a sight" Achilles
  • @ansonang7810
    Russia now spending not using disposable old soviet stocks. can they sustain it? hypersonic missles are hard to intercept. too fast
  • @janejames5862
    I like this unbiased reporter... he hears what we hear ...other reporters hear what we hear but they repeat another story
  • @akbarrana9115
    Let's hope peace be there as soon as possible. If the same outrage and media coverage were seen when dozens of other innocent countries were invaded, believe me, we wouldn't have to see this terrible day. In some parts of the world, occupiers and settlers are still killing innocent people and illegally occupying their land, but the so-called democratic powers are either silent or supporting the occupiers.
  • @sutekking
    Unbelievable that he is more focused on the Russian casualties rather than facing his own people.