the writer 's aesthetic.

Published 2024-04-14
{have the beauty of a writer. have the beauty of Korney Chukovsky's painting. your beauty is warm, sweet, romantic, intellectual, look like a painting that captures your essence. Your beauty is such that everyone looks at you with love in their eyes, with a deep affection that only lovers or great friendships can have. radiate and exude the same energy as Chukovsky's portait. There is something in you that is deeply charming, gentle, and sensual. An energy of intelligence and gentleness emanates from you, unique and shining, like warm spring light in a dark room. your eyes are warm and sweet. Everything about you seems to indicate that I am a writer of genius, charged with the love of the world. have an intellectual beauty, like a writer of the 1800s/1900s. There is something elegant and intellectual about you, which comes out of every action you perform. have the beauty of sweet classical music composed by Debussy, Ravel and Satie. be associated with magnificent aristocratic houses, full of mysteries, statues, books, light, near a sparkling lake. People associate you with bars crowded with intellectuals, with crazy and brilliant ideas, with the machinery of the mind. be the image of the poet, the cursed writer. be the image of the tormented intellectual, and yet, still so human, despite the inner madness of the muse.

Everyone tries to know your opinion on things. always have an opinion, well thought out and reasoned, and perfect eloquence. be as beautiful as a painting, as beautiful as poetry. be the image of the poet in poetic fury, as beautiful as a magnificent piano sonata. Whoever is around you falls in love with you a little. it is natural that people fall in love with you. Everyone loves to listen to you. Everyone loves basking in your presence. There is something mysterious and esoteric about you, like mischievous and cheerful fairies laughing and dancing brightly in a dark forest, to the tune of bells, trills and Debussy. People cannot help but fall in love with you and imagine you in flower gardens. be the personification of the poet writing alone in a bar, surrounded by life.

Your life is that of the brilliant writer. suffer and love and live. live, life, as it should be lived. your friends adore you. be surrounded by intellectual friends, with whom you can discuss any subject. your friends are intellectuals. often go to aesthetic bars, your tables look like those of intellectuals, and talk and philosophise and party.
manifest numerous vintage objects. your house and room look like those of an intellectual, between the simple and the antique. manifest antique carpets. manifest vintage notebooks, vintage pens, wooden bookcases, vintage wooden furniture. your clothes are vintage, and reminiscent of dark and light academia, but in the way a mad intellectual from the 1800s might have.

possess the vices and virtues of the writer. have refined taste. your thoughts are always structured and brilliant. your mind is fresh. your mind is active and quick. be a charming speaker. you are the most brilliant and influential writer of your time.

my Dostoevskij writing affs

your writing is mad, true, unequaled. your writing is sweet, and good, and everyone loves it. your importance is fundamental. In the history of literature and philosophy, your word is seen almost as law. People adopt your philosophy as their own. publish without difficulty and everyone buys your books. your books are best sellers and are considered magnificent. From the very first book it is clear that you will be a beloved writer.}

All Comments (20)
  • "suffer and love and live" so in love with this line i can't explain it 😭πŸ₯Ί
  • @puce-mary
    this sub makes me want to go to heaven and tell the angels how beautiful it is , oml
  • @bleedthefreak.
  • @wonycake
    omg 😭😭😭 I'm living in this charming sub !!!
  • @magnumopus1757
    I decided to give this sub a try last night aside from the current one im using (professor sub). Everytime i stumbled upon a new literature/academia subs, I always accompany it with reading a book to test its potency, so I paired it with my copy of letters of abelard and heloise since half the benefits of this subs are french immersed. The energy i felt was nothing short of amazing. The imageries were vivid and alive like im not just reading a book (like those hyperphantasia subs). I'll try to give more updates.
  • This has to be one of the most beautiful subliminals I ever seen
  • @Angeliccz
    I check ur subs once a week and this is a banger, I’m a writer and I’m tryna emulate Jean-Paul sartΓ©, Albert Camus, Anne rice & Oscar Wilde when I write :3 & i adore classical music (and jazz, oh em gee If u take requests could u make a sub like this but with emulating bossa nova vibes & smelling like citrus and incense THAT WLD BE SO COOOOL If u don’t take requests ignore this part of my comment!!)
  • @mili6767
    Can you do a calm version, please? If it doesn't bother you of course, by the way I really like this subliminal ❀
  • @M4LEW1FE
    Shoving your sub aesthetic to my mouth /VPOSSS
  • @Matryoshka222
    Would you ever make anything on Nietzsche? ❣️