Inside a cryonics facility preserving terminally-ill people (and pets) to wake up in the future

Published 2022-10-12
In Scottsdale, Arizona, there are tanks filled with liquid nitrogen are the bodies and heads of 199 humans who opted to be cryopreserved (some along with their pets) with the hopes of being revived in the future.

Many of the patients - as Alcor Life Extension Foundation calls them - are people who were terminally ill with cancer, ALS or other diseases with no cure in the present day.

"So they're not really dead, they're just legally dead... It puts dying on a pause and lets you go into the future where we have greater capabilities to reverse that and bring you back to life," Alcor’s former CEO, Max More said while giving a tour of the facility.

It costs a minimum of $200,000 to freeze a body and $80,000 for the brain alone.

But there are skeptics in the medical world, where the idea of cryonics is far-fetched. "I think this notion of freezing ourselves into the future is pretty science fiction and it's naive," Arthur Caplan, professor of bioethics at NYU said in an interview.

"It's almost like what you'd be thinking about in a college dormitory discussion, if I could just freeze myself and then defrost myself kind of like a bag of peas and wind up way in the future, wouldn't that be cool?"

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All Comments (21)
  • @kermitTheFrog466
    "they re not live or dead" few seconds later explains "we have to wait until the patient has been declared legally dead"
  • Apparently, the founder of the company is also frozen in there according to their website.
  • Expectations: Freeze yourself and wake up in a futuristic society. Result: Society collapses and you get eaten like a microwave TV diner. 🤦‍♂️
  • @catherineto
    Crazy. If a patient is legally dead, he or she owns no identity when they come back to life, they lost their house, car etc. how can they revive their ID ?
  • @JTron83
    The sandwich bags of ice really convinced me this is state of the art technology
  • The odds are so slim that if they ever manage to bring one of them back it would really be an ice-olated incident.
  • @MarvinMalane
    Being a doctor in the year 2400: Oh yeah sure, lets revive this random frozen dog
  • @brax0789
    They’re dead bro, that’s the biggest waste of electricity I’ve ever seen
  • @Hierax415
    If 250k is a small amount of money for you why not? It might not work but cremation and burial certainly are not reversible, this? maybe.
  • @rdrgtreer
    What happens (if) when the company doing this goes bankrupt? Do they pull the plug to the incubators and send them to the recycling center with the thawed corpses still inside?
  • So when you bring the body's temperature way below freezing point, does that mean at some point they were frozen then cooled further ?
  • He seems healthy. No need to wait for technology to cure some terminal disease. He could just crawl inside. We will freeze him solid, and in two years bring him back. He can tell us how it went.
  • @stevej1154
    The thing is, even if it was possible to bring them back to life (a very big if), it would be an unpleasant experience. They would suddenly find themselves the subjects of a very loud and bright future tv show called Defrosted: Live. They would be overwhelmed and utterly distressed to find themselves in the future with everything familiar gone. They would be unable to fully process what was happening, partly due to their less than perfect brains after many years in the freezer. There is no good outcome to this. I would expect a high number of cryo-suicides, people unable to cope with the reality of being alive in a terrifying new world. They sign up expecting some kind of immortality, but don’t consider the likely reality of the situation.
  • @__rm307
    They say no professionals would be interested in this - and yet the clients mentioned were doctors
  • @palevell
    "There's a sucker born every minute" ~ P.T. Barnum
  • @roblee7411
    When are they going to show someone who has been revived? Many years have passed since cryogenics has been perfected, let’s see some results.
  • @sw1360
    How can he even conclude if someone came alive they will be the same.