It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) | First Time Watching! | MOVIE REACTION!!!

Published 2024-05-11
In this video I reacted to Its a Wonderful Life🥹 & this is now one of my favorite movies ever!!! & ITS NOT A BLACK & WHITE MOVIE…oops😅

I hope you all enjoyed it & please let me know if you did in the comments⬇️

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Have any suggestions?? Drop them in the comments so I can see👌🏻👀

All Comments (21)
  • @RichardM1366
    My mom loved this movie. She cried Everytime she saw it. We would watch it together. Mom was diagnosed with cancer. It was a long battle but she passed away in 2011. On the way to her funeral I heard the bell toll. "Mom" I said. "You just got your wings."
  • Donna Reed played baseball in high school and was actually able to break the window with a rock. Capra hired a marksman to shoot it out, but Reed insisted she could do it so Capra filmed it. Also, credit to Capra for making such a strong woman character... Mary was a wonderful Backgammon player at Bedford High and was able to go to college on a scholarship. She studied Russian literature and homemaking. She got her college degree. She was head of her USO group, saves the Building and Loan from being closed when there is a run on the bank, rebuilds the Granville house pretty much by herself and raises four children. Mary also saves George in many ways and then eventually, the whole town.... Everytime I watch this, I love Mary more and more.
  • @nancyj795
    I knew you'd love it. "It's a Wonderful Life" is easily one of the most wholesome movies of all-time. My great-grandfather grew up in western Pennsylvania with Jimmy Stewart. They played youth sports together. My great-grandfather received a basketball scholarship to Temple University and Jimmy Stewart went on to Princeton University.
  • @texasps91
    Some information about the actor Jimmy Stuart. Jimmy Stewart was a true American Hero. He was a WWII combat veteran and Commander of a Bomber wing. He had over 20 combat mission over Germany. After the war he transition to the Air Force Reserve and retired as a Brigadier General. He flew missions over Korea and Vietnam. Jimmy Stewart used his PTSD to really play this role. PTSD wasn't known at the time. He had not long been home from the war when he filmed this movie. He still had all the grief of seeing friends and the men that was under him die over France and Germany. Jimmy was a Wing Commander in the 8th Air Force. He was a B-24 Liberator pilot. He was a real hero. I know a man who was a friend of Jimmy Stuarts and he said Jimmy Stuarts said that prayer at Martinis was Not acting. He was genuinely calling on God for real, that was him 100% real working through the trauma he had experienced in his experiences in the WW2 flying missions. Once he was flying a mission when the bottom of his plane was shot out and men fell to their deaths screaming. He and his co pilots legs were literally dangling out the bottom of the plane but managed to land.
  • @NarnianRailway
    Wonderful reaction and smile during the movie closing scene was precious.🔔🎶 "It's A Wonderful Life" film legacy mirrored George Baily's life. The cast, crew and audiences loved the movie when it premiered in 1946 but was overlooked for most of the awards and accolades it so deserved. As the years passed, the stars all went on to other great things and the film seemed like a fond memory. Then, perhaps an angel showed a clerk what the Christmas Season would be like without George Baily's story. Somebody intervened and the film's copyright paperwork was misplaced. The film rights lapsed into the public domain. Then cable television came along, the film would air continuously on television during the Christmas season. Families old and new came together making the movie a Christmas tradition, falling in love with George, Mary and the people of Bedford Falls. 🔔"It's A Wonderful Life," the richest film in town. 🔔🎶
  • @adampare8088
    We all need a Clarence in our life, wings or no wings doesn't matter
  • @lansorbet5882
    So happy to see you react to this classic. Note: Lionel Barrymore (Potter) was the great-uncle of Drew Barrymore (family of actors since the 1870s) - Also, the Beverly Hills High School "Swim Gym" was built in 1939 and is still in use today, in its original form.
  • @DrVonChilla
    The most beautiful, life-affirming movie of all-time. SERIOUSLY
  • 43:04 The uncle has a bad memory. That's why he has strings tied around his fingers. Those are supposed to remind a person to do something.
  • In the statement "born older." Means mature and responsible beyond his years.
  • @nathanburr
    Mary IS a real one! That should be part of the title. It’s A Wonderful Life…Mary Is A Real One. You nailed it. George is a dreamer and Mary keeps him grounded. When you’re a big-picture person sometimes you’re unable to focus on the finer details.
  • @mikehuston3751
    Great acting by Jimmy Stewart. The bar scene where he breaks down in despair was some of his best work.
  • @svtcontour
    I cant believe given my age, that I've STILL not seen this movie. My parents used to always watch it and I may have watched the first few minutes a few times but always skipped it. Marie is now motivating me to watch it so I can see her reaction :)
  • 36:46 "George, I'll start you out at $20,000 a year." Today, that would be more than $320,000 a year.
  • @shainewhite2781
    This is a great Christmas movie. They show this every year on NBC.
  • @AmbiguousHero
    I loved rewatching this with you! This movie brings deep feelings and tears every time. Thanks for sharing with us (me) 😊
  • This is was one of the best reactions I’ve seen. I was unfortunately unlucky in love. Every time I watch this movie I wish I could have had a wonderful woman like Mary. This movie is so inspiring in so many ways and I could see in your face what it meant to you. May God bless you and keep you.
  • @Nosferatu755
    Fun fact: when Uncle Billy knocks over the trashcans... that was actually a stagehand offscreen knocking over a stack of film canisters. With Uncle Billy's little improv, that stagehand got a raise in his paycheck
  • @dionysiacosmos
    There's something about Mary...Not even the angels acknowledge that she was there for the entire incident with Mr Gower and the poison pills, which means she never talked about to anyone either, including George. Later, her higher education was a major or minor in Home Economics, which was a serious field in those days. My paternal Grandmother up North in Boston had that same very practical education and advanced skills. Everything that needed to be done to renovate the old house, including sewing and upholstery, she knew how to do. The heavier work and materials were what George's family had been organizing for a long time, as well as the local contractors who did the best work. They also probably bought the house for back taxes or made a deal with the town to improve the old eyesore. People get on themselves for not doing that kind of thing themselves, but it wasn't just luck. It took skills, education and experience, not just determination to make Mary's dream house livable. Mr Potter's smearing of virtues and theft of the money are clear markers of Malignant Narcissism. It means that before the age of 7 the original child withdrew from intolerable reality to a small corner of his psyche and hadn't been seen since. Why? It varies. He may have been told repeatedly he was far superior to other children. He could have been abused. It could have been both. All that's left is a delusional grandiose ego, that needs constant confirmation of its superiority. His true goal is to make the town so corrupt that all he has to do is take a look out of any window to confirm his delusion about how much better he is than everyone else. It's a vacuous dream. All to hide the knowledge from himself that when he encountered other children he found that he wasn't THE BEST AT EVERYTHING, and refused to make the healthy adjustment the rest of us do. The adjustment from six year old egotist to seven year old moralist goes, " I'm good I have worth." to "If I have worth, then others also have worth." It's so basic, and happens so early. Listen carefully. Is someone not really finding fault, but smearing virtues, because they can't stand someone else being admired? Big warning. They will never change. Run. In the post Freudian era screenwriters and play writes portrayed the personality disorder beautifully. Another good movie is Dodsworth, that asks how toxic a wife and mother can become before the welfare of the family supercedes a man's marriage vows. Narcissists always get worse as they get older. It still has a 90% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and a 7.7 on IMDb. Not bad for a movie from 1936. The Silver Cord, a play adapted for the screen in 1930, is a chilling portrayal of a mother willing to destroy her sons future to keep them infantalized, for herself. It's actually frightening, and gave me chills. It's amazing it was ever made given the way motherhood was revered at the time.
  • This movie abd reaction, hit me harder than ever before, especially the part regarding Bailey's character thinking about taking his own life because a little 10 yr old boy from my home town, experiencing unimaginable bullying at school that wasnt addressed properly, bullies continued and this precious little boy took his own life, at the tender age of 10 yrs old which is something thats never occured in the town I grew up in and realize that this young mans tragedy, isnt the same circumstances as Peter Bailey's character but seeing, knowing when a person cannot bare to face another day, how desperate those that are suffering so deeply mentally can become to escape any way possible but am asking all to please pray for the parents, siblings and all those that truly loved this little boy, that are experiencing unfathomable pain. May God bless all Of you and your families.