The Sad Reality Of Becoming A Jehovah's Witness

Published 2024-06-26

All Comments (21)
  • @nycbuzz22
    I was in a dark place when I decided to be roped in. I started to feel like I was in a community with people who sincerely cared about me, I felt like I belonged. That is once I decided to take the dip, then slowly but surely I started having doubts, the people who I thought were going to be lifelong and eternal friends we're anything but. Then covid came and that's when I fully realized I was in a cult seeing all those robotic faces on Zoom, and that's when I started fading. Of course the texts and calls came in once my screen name wasn't on Zoom for weeks. The hipster couple seemed much happier before they became witnesses in this video, their stress levels went up because that's what happens when you live a life full of guilt if you don't witness enough, pray enough, study enough, attend boring meetings around fake friends enough, the list goes on. Great video Wally, always funny and entertaining.
  • @angryox3102
    They’ve switched from beards making a person worldly to man buns being the indicator 🤣
  • @cygnustsp
    Wally you seem enthusiastic and happy, great to see that
  • Yes. It’s so hard to have JWs around for conversation, because it seems EVERYTHING a normal group of company could talk about, you CAN’T with a JW. You can’t talk politics. Religion. How your son loves watching Boxing or Wrestling. How your daughter is preparing for University. Cant talk about good brands of vodka. Cant talk about the horror movies you snuggle up to with a bowl of ice cream. Cant talk about growing old. Makeup. Nail polish. Hair styles. HOA. Gossip. You name it, you can’t talk about it without offending. It’s eggshells. You’re exhausted afterwards.
  • These couples are utterly devoid of personality once they join the cult. It's uncanny and sad.
  • @DY2784
    Because of the super tight schedule, the previous friends and Family get easily replaced and forgotten…🙁
  • @kaikids5333
    "You cannot make claims of the extraordinary and give proof of the mundane!" Very true!
  • The one thing I don't miss about being a JW is going from door to door. I was always glad when people did not answer.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • @uvolio4737
    Your cat is great. 😊Always love seeing her. ❤Of course, the entire video is wonderful too.👍 Greetings from Bavaria/Germany🇩🇪
  • @frdavid755
    Why the hell would anyone want to be a Watchtower slave ?
  • @Andrew-fm8tv
    About 15 years ago I knew a young girl who was attacked by a dog while preaching. Her leg muscles were exposed and disconnected from her body. I believe she fully recovered but anyway… I guess her angel was more concerned with puddles that day
  • @kenneth804
    The cat wants to be featured in your videos 😂
  • A strong point about why religious advocates, salesfolk, and overeager men wanting a date have all got under my skin in the exact same way since I can remember - they have their desired outcome, and I'm a vending machine in their eyes. My wants, my choices, are hella irrelevant
  • @mightycirus
    The only inflation they should talk about is there ego
  • When i tell you my body tenses up with how cringe these videos are. Its so robotic the way they speak to each other, "you know its really beautiful day out today and the flowers are in full bloom!" "Of course they are because Jehovah made them!" "Hey i have to use the restroom" "Well lets all be grateful for Jehovah for providing bowel movements." Like dogs they are so trained to steer every single bit of interaction back to that nonsense.
  • Good god that example was so misleading. I hated the subliminal shit. Not only were those ‘actors’ completely unable to display the emotional complexity of changing one’s spirituality, there was a woman minister officiating the couple’s wedding, the sister in law used ‘Neanderthal’ as an insult (that didn’t even work in context), and the use of JWs to police them rather than validate and support. And look - the couple isn’t doing anything to help the community in practical ways anymore. No. Nope. Nah.
  • Organizational membership, living up to their dedication vow and carrying out the perfunctory tasks the governing body assigns them must be so rewarding. The assured expectation of knowing they might be spared by the ‘chosen ones’ must be comforting. Remember, it’s not what Christ’s shed blood did for you, it’s what you can do to prove your worthiness. ☹️
  • @jenburlock377
    I watched the news today and not once did they mention the org being persecuted, but they did say a bunch of other religions were going or have been undergoing harsh treatment! Yet they act like they are the only ones who endure persecution. So cringe, we used to believe that way - like we were so special and being persecuted for the faith, lol.😂