Jesus Christ is Not a Good Man | Sadhguru Darshan

Published 2023-12-23
Sadhguru suggests that Jesus, like other transformative figures such as Shiva, may not be considered "good" in the conventional sense but is remarkable.

The video highlights the importance of disrupting existing situations for personal growth.

No matter what you think or believe, you will probably be wrong because life doesn't always fit into what you think.

If you have too many ideas about life, it becomes harder to understand. But if you let go of those ideas, life becomes much simpler.

When Jesus knew he was going to die, his followers were worried about where they would be when he went to heaven.

They wanted to be important and sit next to him. But Jesus taught them that being important in heaven is not about pushing others aside.

In heaven, those who are humble and pure in heart will be the most important. Jesus always taught this lesson, even when people tried to stop him.

It's really important to understand the situation someone was in and why they said things the way they did.

Some parts of what they said will always be true, no matter who is saying it. But other parts might only make sense to the people listening right now.

This can change as time goes on and from one group of people to another. So, what someone says might mean different things to different people.

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Jesus Christ is Not a Good Man | Sadhguru Darshan

#sadhguru #jesus #sadhgurudarshan #jesuschrist #christanity #inspirational #inspiration #spirituality #motivation

All Comments (21)
  • @mahadevan3104
    If juses is not good man then who is good man in this world? Is that you mr akki vasudev?
  • @spiritual.raja9
    Jesus came to india ,practised ancient indian spiriruality and attained self realization,through which he was able to do some kashmir there is a samadhi of jesus...
  • "For what it will profit a man, when he gains the whole world - but suffer the loss of his soul !" - Lord Jesus Christ. Propriety demands that one should better ascertain one's own status first, prior to raising an accusing finger on others ! Propriety further demands that one should also try to inculcate the habit of seeing goodness in others, as well ; instead of finding fault on every available opportunity, on the slightest of pretext, and at the drop of a hat ! It raises one's mental/spiritual level by several notches up ! Propriety also demands that one should have that much pragmatism and magnanimity in accepting the reality - by calling the spade a spade ! Besides, propriety demands that people occupying exalted positions should maintain probity in public life, remain above board, and beyond controversy ! How right was someone in his assessment in saying - "People living in glass houses don't throw stone at others !"
  • I don't know what to say about your statement on Jesus.This is not worth to say against him for me because i feel i am not that big to utter against him. God bless me and forgive me. ❤❤
  • @JaichandranGD
    Most famous personalities (including Christians) maintain their fame till they speak adversely about their Creator and yet they somehow come to that point. Whether they are led to this point by others or by themselves or by the Creator Himself, they just happen to reach that point. There are other famous personalities who happen to keep their fame staying away from that area. Creation to some extent can handle blasphemies but when it starts questioning or ridiculing its Creator publicly, it is on a self-destruct mode.
  • Jesus took our sins on Him. Crucified. Resurrected. Will return soon. Be prepared brother
  • @coreyfrady7875
    Jesus represents the christ consciousness Within all of us.
  • @bergehartmut6464
    2023 years ago - what about we are talking today? 💫🕊🌐🕊✨️
  • @yahdaimiry414
    The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was drawing a picture of that person!!! Visual ignorance!!!!
  • @refugio311
    Some miracles and events that Jesus demonstrated are hearth and bounty; so that humans don’t forget the way to lead and search within oneself. But his wisdom shouldn’t be taken to erase other hearths and bounties. One must be searching for the path of enlightenment in the narrow steps through judgements.