Bernie Madoff Prison Interview With Barbara Walters

Published 2011-10-27

All Comments (21)
  • @gavinmurphy794
    Wasn't just him, he was just the fall guy. There are ton more crooks like this guy still doing business.
  • @smith077906
    Not a bad business plan, steal 500 million dollars and retire in a minimal security prison with 24 hour care paid by the state
  • Since when is Barbara Walters talking considered an "interview"?
  • @echo-channel77
    wow, talk about slick. He even fooled these two into believing that he hated living in luxury for the past 20 years and was so scared that he forgot to turn himself in.
  • @kreed1004
    sociopath, pure and simple. and insightful enough to understand it
  • @lpaone01
    The investors were just as greedy as him. Their returns were astronomical and unrealistic, and they never once questioned him on his business practices.
  • @liasunshine7470
    Do you miss your old life? "Hell No!" Ask that same question to his family. He was a total sociopath.
  • Typical psychopath response. He is emotionally appealing to people without being consistent in his statements.
  • What a shameful man. He killed his two beautiful sons and destroyed peoples lives.
  • @lizagates6252
    Why do I love this story so much? It's like the perfect metaphor for greed
  • @csfan65
    I worked at this very prison back in 2000. As Barbara said, I'm sure the younger inmates look up to him as a hero because that is their mindset. Criminals always admire each other for the evil deeds they have done, especially anything involving getting over on the police or any other law enforcement agency. Most of these guys don't care about anyone or anything, and most of them aren't bothered by having to spend most of their lives in prison. FCI Butner is practically a vacation for these guys, indoor basketball court, tennis courts, etc. They have it better there than they do on the street. That is why so many of the prisons are overcrowded.
  • @hughrblackwell
    Barbara Watters is an example that anyone can be a reporter
  • @doire7
    Amazing after all the lives he destroyed he gets low to medium security prison Butner in north carolina. Why not Rikers in NY where he commited his crimes? Just goes to show you one rule for them and another for us.
  • As smart as he obviously was he could have lived the high life without destroying others
  • @marybradt805
    where is there a difference between killing an innocent person or taking millions from hundreds of innocent people ? Ruining their lives and hopes and dreams.. If he can,t get the death sentence he should be in at least solitary confinement !