A BLM Piano Piece

Published 2020-09-23
About a year ago, I came up with a somber piano melody. I didn't write it during a particularly sad time, but I felt that it could be saved for another time. Around the time of George Floyd's murder, I improvised this melody while thinking about the all the lives lost to racist violence. I hesitated uploading this because I was afraid of getting stupid, anti-Black criticism that's meant to detract from the simple fact that people senselessly killing other people shouldn't be excused, and that Black lives (a literal subset of "all lives”) matter. I wanted to cover all my bases and include links and data and statistics but it's already out there, you just have to look for it. Now that the verdict for Breonna Taylor's case has been announced, I'm tired of repeating the same facts and logical arguments over and over and I'm just uploading this. Please research Black history, especially how it relates to police violence and the origin of policing in America. You should donate to some funds for avoiding murders and verdicts like this. Just make sure you’re donating to the right funds because there are some scams out there. If you plan on protesting, do car caravans or be absolutely sure you are COVID negative and socially distance, don’t harm people or small businesses and be safe because your life is valuable. Remember that we are all humans, with individual lives and stories. Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk. #JusticeForBreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter #BlackTransLivesMatter

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