Spamming Stuarts Like It's 1941 | Enlisted Allies Gameplay

Published 2024-07-23

All Comments (21)
  • @KFCArbiter
    For anyone watching planning on using the Stuart with flamethrower you can change the keybind for the flamethrower to a different button so you dont have to fire your main gun at the same time when in commander view. Counter point though its funnier if you dont change it.
  • “Spamming Stuart like it's 1941“ Doesn't flex with his M5A1 Stuart "rhino".
  • @sockmangames
    Ah gotta love and hate the flame Stuart at the same time XD
  • I think you should do a video with the Italian vehicles, like the ab41, m14/41 and the 75/32. I know there not great, but it would be funny
  • @Springy05
    That first clip just reminded me of that family guy clip "House keeping" "not now" "House keeping" "no...." "House keeping..." "GO AWAY"
  • @jaywerner8415
    Quadro, just call it APHE (Armor Piercing High Explosive), thats basically what it is. But yeah it is APCBC: Armor Piercing Caped Ballistic Caped. IN SHORT: AP rounds are your Standard Solid Shot rounds APC has a CAP on the front of it that helps with Angled Armor APCBC has a Ballistic Cap which gives it more pen at longer ranges. Of Corse the US has to be weird by giving their APCBC rounds HE filler. Which are shells that explode after penetration and GENERALLY will 1 shot anything you hit them if you hit center of mass.
  • @nest3019
    The stuarts are great but I wish they had HE
  • @kain0067
    How did I never know you can zoom in and out on the vehicle examine screen...
  • You know hearing you say M8 strugless against pz IV when it's my go to tank against them (to be fair i just love this silly fellow)
  • @Super6ix0ne
    I would like to see energizers be able to make camouflage think that would be fun
  • @yaaaboi5902
    you can switch to your gunner seat to avoid wasting flame
  • @zeahmed
    you forgot about the resupply point to get more ammo
  • I bought Stalingrad pre order the flame tanks are so fun to use my main t54-85 gets wiped so my flame tank spawns like the spirit of firey vengeance emposing its will upon the enemy
  • @janetmora3531
    Are the premium tanks worth buying, or are the free ones better? Currently looking at buying calliope or firefly. New player and on Allies.
  • @pleaseno4154
    Day 1 of asking Quadro to play enlisted with no hud or marks
  • Try using the M8's HE instead of using the APC to destroy tanks with over pressure.