Star Citizen V.1.2 - Welcome to ArcCorp

Published 2015-09-06
Sorry for the extended leave of absence, but between battling minor ailments and work commitments, I've only barely managed to sneak this update through.

The biggest announcement in the last few days was the long-awaited first build of Star Citizen's Social Module.

Launched 31.08.2015, the Social Module introduces players to what effectively will form the basis of Star Citizen's first person persistent universe.

This first instance of the Social Module introduces us to ArcCorp, a Coruscant-like industrial planet within the Stanton System - one of many within Star Citizen's 'Verse.

Undoubtedly, the first thing that impresses when you first enter ArcCorp past that first security gate is the sense of scale... And detail! ArcCorp is both magnificent and intimidating all at once - ArcCorp is basically BladeRunner's Los Angeles realised in digital form.

An interim AR interface (later to be replaced by your avatar's MobiGlas unit) currently serves as your means to gain details about your surroundings on both interactable objects as well as other players.

A text chat interface allows direct communication with other players as well as a means to trigger player gestures - I demonstrate this to amusing effect in the G-Loc Bar.

I imagine ArcCorp will be the "...home away from home" for many a Citizen over the next few months. At least until Nyx, the next Social Module instance, makes its appearance!

Current instancing for player numbers is at 25 players, but the intent is to increase that number.

The thought of these cities being populated with both real players and NPCs is an exciting prospect and just shows the grand ambition of this whole project when you consider that ArcCorp is the first example.

This, and the recent multicrew live demo at Gamescom 2015, also proves that the project is certainly achievable and should silent some of the more vocal naysayers.

The Social Module certainly points to Star Citizen being something utterly spectacular!

For all the latest on Star Citizen visit the Star Citizen website at the link below:-

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