Uncertainty (How to Deal with Uncertainty) - Teal Swan-

Published 2015-03-14
Uncertainty is the state of being when something is either not known or not decided. When something is not known or not decided relative to a circumstance that causes us stress or pain, we feel vulnerable. There is no sense of resolution. This lack of resolve in and of itself adds to the distress you feel. You start to feel powerless, hopeless, out of control and desperate. In this episode, Teal explains how to deal with Uncertainty and reveals to us how to embrace uncertainty, instead of resist it.

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If you are in a crisis or if you or any other person may be feeling suicidal or in danger the following resources can provide you with immediate help: thecompletionprocess.com/get-help-now/


Teal Swan is a revolutionary for personal transformation and is one of The Most Spiritually Influential Living People in the world. As a renowned author, speaker and social media star, she travels the world teaching self-development and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.


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Meditations, Books, Merchandise & Frequency Paintings:


Beginning Song:
Kuan Yin's Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel

Please note that I do not respond to posts from this site. Please promptly reach out to a mental health practitioner near you discuss treatment options. My teachings on the subject of suicide are meant to supplement your treatment with a mental health practitioner and should not be in lieu of such treatment. The information contained on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for such professional medical or mental health advice. Always seek the advice of your own licensed and qualified medical and mental health professionals. The information provided in this site and in my videos should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of any mental health condition. A licensed physician, psychologist, and/or mental health provider should be consulted for a diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical and mental health conditions. Please immediately call your physician, mental health professional or 911 for all emergencies.

All Comments (21)
  • @Sourpusscandy
    When things get really bad, I watch a dozen Teal Swan vids, try to practice what she suggests, and things turn around. She has great understanding on these issues.
  • How to deal with uncertainty - preparing for another year of cvd 1. Release resistance/ embrace uncertainty- enables us to create our own reality 2. Stop trying to find the solution 3. The circumstances you are experiencing are not the cause of your suffering. The cause of your suffering is the thought that what is happening should not be happening. 4. Whatever is happening is supposed to be happening 5. We do not fear the unknown, we fear the projection of what we think is the unknown - unknown could be painful 6. Let go of your attachment to the outcome - imagine outcome is in a balloon, balloon is tied to certain bodypart (heart), untie it and let it fly away to the universe 7. Notice the positives around you. Looking for the moonlight in the jail cell. Positive aspects journal. 8. Let go of trying to control the river of life. Let the current of life take you, let curiosity develop, do not resist them. 9. See the beauty of not knowing. Be open to all possibilities. Knowing is a state of being closed. 10. Let the mud settle. Time for stillness. The water is cloudy. Becoming still so we can see clearly again. Let the solution come to us. Meditation. 11. Question everything. Talk to friends, family, therapists. What can I learn from this? The work- Byron Katie 12. What would I tell someone else who is in this situation? 13. Seek out stress reducers. Calm your nervous system (diet, go for a walk, nature, hot bath, funny videos, camping, yoga, dance, tea) 14. It's okay to find support. Connect with someone.
  • What is my worst fear? Making the wrong choice when it matters the most...UNCERTAINTY at its finest. Thank you for this new perspective...
  • @etherealone143
    Have faith in the universe's (Gods) plan for you. If you ever feel you have to force anything, don't. Let go, have faith, focus on what you can be thankful for & think positive & you will attract positive.
  • @ajkoz9393
    I think that since uncertainty is a state of not knowing, and the state of not knowing is a state of complete openness, then uncertainty is actually the key to freedom. : )
  • @Goldiemagic
    Teal Swan is the most spiritually connected and aware advisor.  She has helped me more than anyone else ever has in this world.  We are blessed to have her in our experience.
  • @larkinluv10
    It's wild how almost every week your message speaks exactly to what I am going through. Love the synchronicity.
  • @windandfire22
    "If you name me, you negate me. By giving me a name, a label, you negate all of the other things I could possibly be." -Søren Kierkegaard
  • @JulietteZephyr
    I have anxiety disorder(s), phobias, etc. and no matter how many times I am told "there is nothing to fear but fear itself" I just feel so exasperated and helpless. I have done a great job of masking my fear through artificial substances, and just sheer willpower. But the fear is always there - day in, day out... These videos help me see things that happen in my everyday life in a more positive light. Free therapy.
  • @Li2k2007
    Literally crying watching this. I just self sabotaged my future because of fear of making the wrong decision (got into competetive graduate programs in two opposite fields, couldn't decide and didn't send in my deposits.) Now I am paralyzed by shame and fear of uncertainty. I never thought the decision would be that hard and am scared by what my anxiety has done to me. I am at my lowest, but your comments about learning something from the hard times and the quickest way to heaven being through hell gave me the smallest glimmer of hope.
  • I feel better after watching this. Truly lightened my day up. Thank you for your work Teal Swan
  • @leezaloo
    1) Stop trying to find the solution and dive deep into the emotions. Be present with them. Integrate childhood-trauma who caused you to feel desperate, powerless etc. (Teal's vid: "How to heal the emotional body") 2) We begin to live by this truth: "Whatever is happening to me is supposed to be happening BECAUSE it is happening. Therefore I am open to seeing why." The circumstances that you're experiencing are not the cause of your suffering. The cause of your suffering is the thought that you think that those things are not supposed to be happening. 3) Figure out what you are afraid of about the unknown. You're afraid of what you are projecting into the unknown. Release resistance to those thoughts. 4) Let go of your attachment to the outcome. 5) Notice the positives around you. Find positive things in being where you are. Scan your reality on what you do like about it. 6) Let the current of life take you. The only certainty is uncertainty. 7) See the beauty of not knowing. 8) Let the mud settle. Become still and back to yourself. We let the solution come to us. 9) Question everything. Maybe other perspectives will show up. What can I learn from this? 10) What would I tell someone else who was in my situation? 11) Seek out stress reducers.
  • Well that did it! You actually made me cry. I lost my job due to my wanting and now that I decided to go on my own and someone heard me up there, now I'm uncertain about the future and what will be or be not. This video helped very much. Thank you
  • @amalineva
    I am supposed to be uncertain right now, such a relief!! I started to laugh when I realized that all that is happening, good and bad, is a part of my experience and every moment of my experience, every emotion, every thought is a part of my journey... Me rejecting that truth made me feel anxious about my uncertainty, but it's perfect the way it is! Thank you Teal for reminding me, giving back my flow <3
  • @AlissBlack333
    THIS IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING . I was in a horrible state of uncertainty about my job for the last 2 months. I come to the point where i felt depressed. I watched this video , i followed what she said and took a deep breath and let all that feeling go . I didn’t even get to the end of the video and i got a phone call from work and i gor the answers I needed from them . You are a true blessing Teal . Thank you very much for changing my life !
  • Hah that last sentence "bring it on" resonated a lot with me. I have thought like that a few times in the past when I felt down and I also thought: ok universe is this all you got? For me having experienced a lot of suffering I sometimes say to myself that it is amazing that im still alive and not dead from suicide. This has uplifted me from time to time.    
  • @tjones5734
    Pretty amazing stuff right there. Thank you. I was stuck for many, many years because of the abuse in my childhood or so I thought. It was suppose to happen to make me the women I am today. I never had anything really but my children but now I see more clearly now after a vision in one of my meditations last year with a man that I thought was god (older man with a white long beard and hair with long white robe), angels and my spirit guide they told me that amazing things were going to come into my life this year and it will rush in like a freight train and it might scare me at first but I needed to just go with the flow of the universe and everything will be the way its supposed to be and that I am never alone and love was all around me. After that I stopped smoking after 35 years, stopped drinking alcohol, started exercising, started seeing a therapist trying to find my spiritual path and I am writing now and I love it. I also try and find the beauty in everything and when I feel those nasty thoughts come up I do guided meditations or I go to the lake or the river. I'm still a work in progress. Thanx again for being there for us and helping us.
  • @sherececocco
    Plan for no thing and you will be ready for anything, unknown. I heard this on a commercial a few years ago. I practice this. Practice makes the master
  • @RPixler
    Thank you Teal. I am struggling with this right now. I can't convey  how much your words have helped me heal. I'm sure that's true for many others as well.