Published 2024-02-17
Imperator: Rome might be forgotten by most Paradox and grand strategy players by now, but IT SHOULDN'T BE, because it is awesome, and frankly, misunderstood. After the 2.0 update, Imperator: Rome has become the game it was always meant to be, offering so many fun mechanics that together create something like a mix between Crusader Kings 2, Europa Universalis 4, and Victoria 2. For the development time, Imperator comes across as so much deeper and intricate than it has any right to be, and could have been so much more if the player base had given it a second chance. Well, that's why I'm here today, to specifically tell you to go play Imperator: Rome, love the 2.0 update, and help us revive this on-ice lost diamond in the rough!

In this video, I tell you exactly what I love about Imperator: Rome, whether you should buy Imperator in 2024, give an overview of the mechanics, and I even mention a few mods at the end.

If you enjoyed the video, make sure to leave a like, a comment, and subscribe to the channel :)

#imperatorrome #bestparadoxgames #imperatorromereview #imperatorrome2024

All Comments (21)
  • @jetfxs
    One thing that's worth mentioning is how the province and territory management system is a rather satisfying "gardening" experience that can be very visually pleasing as you found and grow cities exactly where you want them.
  • @thunderbagel3886
    IR easily has the best soundtrack of any PDX game. I still find myself humming some of the tracks to myself years later
  • @darthcalanil5333
    Arheo (Peter) should have been the head of Imperator from the start. I'm glad that he's heading HOI4 atm, but man he did a hell of job on Imperator.
  • @Pigraider268
    I feel like Imperator will become a Victoria 2 of his times
  • @legionofrome2967
    I personally think Imperator Rome is a great game but I needs a better ui and hud to engage new players to the game as most people would look at it and see all those numbers and figures and not have a clue what to do. Also great video dude!
  • @TaeSunWoo
    This is my fav historical setting and I’m a CK 3 girl that loves Imperator. If it had a slightly more character focus then it’d be my favorite
  • @kotzebrecher
    I played it on release for like one hour, stopped. Didn't like it. I picked it up almsot exactly one year later. Started as Rome. Played to the end date over the course of several days. That playthrough is one of the most memorable gaming experiences I had. Probably because of the gameplay actually capturing the events from that time. I fought several Punic wars, just like the Romans did in reality. And I was the underdog. The first one I was the defender, barely fighting them off on the south of the italian mainland and actually only barely "winning", having bled their manpower dry slightly faster than they did mine. My navies stayed in ports, because I was hopelessly outclassed on the water. The second war, I was more their equal. I still could not match them head on on water, but if they split off naval forces I could beat them. This time, on land, I pushed into Sicily and managed to take the entire island in fierce fighting and in the last weeks of the war managed to land a legion on Africa and take a province right next to Carthage. I think I actually had to not take all of Sicily in the peace deal to take that province, but it was worth it. The Third Punic War broke the Carthaginians for good. I took all their heartlands quickly, using my foothold on Africa, right next to their capital as a foothold. After that war only their coastal provinces to the south and west were left, their navy broken, their status relegated to an ordinary power. Because of how in some ways it aligned with how the real events played out in history, this is so memorable for me. And because of the scale of the wars and how it slowly turned in my favour. There was much more in that playthrough that made it memorable to me, like how I managed to abolish the Republic and turn into an Empire. But it paled in comparison to the Punic Wars, especially because the first one was a fight for survival.
  • @RyzxArgead
    There needs to be guides. People stop playing because they don't understand the game or it seems complicated to them. I started actively working with the CIS community on popularization of "Emperor of Rome", and from experience I can tell you that the main problem turned out to be player education. Great video!
  • @Twentenaer
    There once was a dream, that was called Imperator
  • @090giver090
    Yes, this game is great potential burried by lackluster release. Also, among the modes for this game two other should be mentioned: 1) Bronze age. About, you've geussed it, the Bronze age period (yes, the same mod exists for CK3, but IMO Imperator's trade, pops' cultures and army reforms mechanics fit the era much better than CK's character-driven RPG) 2) Imperator: Invictus. An expansion of nation's mission trees, cultures, AI, Laws, and more. In short it's a couple of Paradox DLCs worth of work done by modders and avaliable for free 😁
  • @OmegaTrooper
    God I miss Imperator Rome. By 2.0 it was one of the best Paradox games.
  • @ZubiForce
    It's the first PDX game that got my interest (Total War player here) because of the period, I couldn't figure it out and stopped, but since trying Stellaris I have been able to understand it better and give it a go again. Lastly, Roma Invicta.
  • @Aerozona23
    Awesome video with some great explanations!
  • @armandom.s.1844
    The game is actually good. The problem is that has almost zero quality of life and support like no shortcuts and lots of frustrating useless modifiers, while some necessary actions do not exist. The fact that there are few things to do at peace compared to EU4 and the absolute lack of playthrough variety (only one starting date that always turns into a battle royale between 5 or 6 nations) makes the game quite boring and predictable if compared with other paradox titles. If developers update it again and add some QoL fixes and more dates to play as some of the most iconic leaders of Antiquity like Caesar or Hannibal, the game could match CK or EU.
  • @Puffy_Clouds
    i'm glad people are finally waking up to this game, i've been playing it constantly since 2.0
  • @Punggles
    May be one to finally pick up… great video!
  • @MollieLolly
    So much potential. Loved playing the Antigonids
  • @gregc6535
    Started playing again.... using the invictus mod. It's really fun and so many options in how you want to play.
  • @BoloBouncer
    Pro tip: Use the character finder to recruit Geniuses and Polymaths from other nations. Then set them to do research. They will occasionally discover a completely free tech and can do so multiple times.